I've been kinda surprised by some of the communities reaction to Tim's wedding livestream.

We all know Tim Gettys. Specifically the way Tim is about big events in his life. I mean we all saw his proposal video. We all saw his 30th Birthday Roast. I mean the guy made a fake World Premiere video for getting a dog. If it wasn't being streamed we all know there would a podcast (or several) breaking down the whole thing beat-by-beat afterwards (I'm sure there still will be) and there would be clips all over social media from those there. So, I don't really see it as a huge difference.

No one in todays world bats an eye when someone has a "themed" wedding around like Nintendo or Star Wars. We've all seen a million viral videos from couples that did elaborate entrances, first dances, funny speeches, pranks etc.

Well Tim Gettys has decided to essentially theme his wedding around his passions. Video production, making internet content and most importantly Hype. Plus, Tim is in a privileged position where he can use an amazing studio for the wedding, and can have things like sponsorships help fund associated costs. Why not use everything you have at your disposal, right?

Maybe its because I'm basically the same age as Tim, and like him, have probably been to many, many weddings in the last decade or so of my friends and family in roughly the same age range. But, I don't really know anyone that thinks of weddings the same way that many in the community seem to. Weddings for a lot of people are not this hypothetical intimate ceremony. Instead its maybe the biggest love-fest/celebration of the married couple that they may ever have in their whole life (at least for the average person). And for someone like Tim, is it really shocking that he would broadcast that to the world and essentially "share" that with as many people that would be interested?

Also, for those that have voiced a concern about it. I'd like to think everyone would understand there is no world where Gia isn't completely fine with all this and that everyone important thats involved is well informed about the videos/streams and there is complete understanding and consent from attendees about what the wedding will be.

Its just a party celebrating Tim and Gia, filled with predominantly 30-somethings who are also involved in content creation at least to some extent.

Anyway, I swear I'm not trying to be mean or demean anyone else's opinions on the whole thing. I just wanted to put it out there that Tim was always gonna do something like this for his wedding. I bet it will be a fun time for those involved and that Tim (and Kevin by the sounds of it) have some fun shit up their sleeves. But, if the idea of it all still grosses you out, then by all means don't watch.

Oh, and Happy Canada day weekend to my fellow Canadians!