Met the love of my life at RTX 2018. It was the first convention either of us attended. We were just looking at the Facebook memories yesterday.

If you don't like gifts being opened at the party then you should make it clear that it's a no gifts birthday.

Accepting them and not opening them is tacky to me. Unless it's a timed event at a location it is pretty normal for there to be time made for cake and gift opening when it's just at your house.

I did in the edit say that I am happy to provide green or red tees if that is what people are comfortable with.

To be 100% I am open to any winter holiday shirt.

They don't have to go if they don't want to participate. Tons of people don't go to parties if they don't like the theme or dress code. Where's the problem?

You don't have to wear an exact shirt. You could wear a red or green dress, or a Christmasy tank top or tee or whatever.

It seems like you're trying to create a problem where there really isn't one.

That makes sense because I couldn't find anything about season 2 being announced. Got really excited and confused since season 1 ended earlier this year.

Well I just ordered the first book cause that sounds interesting af.

Look, if you were a true friend you would not have gotten involved with him romantically while married. I just looked at your comments. It's gross. A friend would be helping him redefine who he is as an individual and single father but playing house months into a new relationship with no break in between.

You can't undo it, so all that matters now is it's way too early in the relationship to be involved with things related to his ex and child. Personally, I would be pumping the brakes and slowing this relationship down if I was like you because you're clearly struggling to not inject yourself into it. Not to mention, he's showing an unhealthy desire to use others to carry his mental load. It's not the cute "us" planning for the future that you seem to think it is.

I'm so happy for them. I've had friends do fun, gimmicky things at their weddings and loved it. This is just like that imo.

YOU don't do anything because it's not your relationship.

It sounds like Michelle needs to reschedule her kids beach trip and not yours.

What does Rachel have to say about it because your title makes it seem like both friends don't want you to go when it's really just Michelle.

Waiting for all 3 is a good call. It's a wonderful trilogy.

Age of War is a good one but for me it's Esrahaddon. Knowing his fate did not lessen the journey penned Sullivan and those feels at the end.

It's the personal endorsement that bothers me most. I'm glad that I don't have to hear the ad reads on Patron but it's not a good look when other channels are more thoughtful and prudent with their words. It's predatory and younger me in my I early 20s used to trust these endorsements. Meundies, Casper, Hello fresh, etc.

10/10 for me. I don't need a specific release date like some people mentioned. The amount of games was great. The pacing was pretty perfect. Awesome showing of expected games and some surprises. I'm beyond hyped for what's coming out this year and next.

You're not just a bad husband. You're a cesspool of a human being and a moron. If this is real, you do realize the brother has probably taken the phone with all the awful things you said to the police. A young, healthy woman mysteriously dies after eating a meal with a married man she is using. You're the last one to see her alive. It's common sense that she needed to go to the hospital. You were planning on nuking your marriage. You embezzled money from your employer. Rumors are going to spread. Your employer, your wife, her brother, etc will throw you under the bus. Who is going out to bat for someone like you? Who is going to hire someone like you?

YTA none of this would've happened if you didn't gossip so much.

ETA what Shane did may help prevent this guy from doing something like this to a different vulnerable young woman. I can't really hate him for that.

Early 30s Female

Blank stares are definitely an area of improvement for you.

  1. Yes that Coke. Thanks!
  2. Yup, I've been thinking about the next episode since the last one we watched.
  3. Don't feel stupid. I like to refrigerate *** even though only the open ones technically have to.

Since you refuse to answer the question everyone is asking about the nature of the argument, I have to imagine it puts you in a bad light.

You should be begging your sister for forgiveness to get access to your mom, find a way to take out a loan, and get yourself there.

Doing poor Alfredo dirty. 😂