It’s hard to describe. At first I thought of it as a simulation, but that almost feels like a misguided attempt to explain the true nature of it. It’s as if we are all extensions of one whole, the universe experiencing itself through the constructed lens of this so-called reality. In times that I can look past my ego or self and focus on the connection I share with others, I start to feel a profound sense of love for myself and everyone in the world. I don’t know if I’m making sense, I’m still trying to make sense of this stuff as it is

Months ago someone here shared a tweet from a Microsoft or xbox employee that specifically mentioned trying to bring back the TF games, never said it was Phil. I took it with a grain of salt until now. This jives with Xbox’s culture of game preservation and backwards compatibility.

Sorry to hijack an old thread, I was looking for answers and wound up here. My eyes turned from blue to grey five or six years ago after a series of psychedelic trips changed my perception of the universe and my place in it, and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what it means. Could you please offer any insight?

The triangle means you don’t have a license to play it. I have tons of games still downloaded that left gamepass, and they all have this triangle and bring me to the microsoft store when I click them

Activision was bought by Microsoft a few months ago, Xbox believes in game preservation and vowed to bring these games back as soon as they could.

They make non-stimulant ADHD meds, like Guanfacine. I have bipolar and didn’t find out until I first tried adhd meds and got launched into a manic episode, nearly killed myself and was in a psych ward for a week. Went a few years without trying any for fear of a second episode, now I’m on Guanfacine and it works decently well but I’m still figuring out dosage with my doctor

I hope this means I can also get access to the preorder dlc I had for Fall of Cybertron. It just gave a few cool guns, but they were my cool guns

Very cool, just trying to avoid the “shameless grifter” associations I saw in other threads. I’m super happy for them, and really wish I wasn’t swamped with a lot of unexpected work when the livestream started

Keep on truckin' :Optimus_Alt_1::Optimus_Alt_2:

Welcome to comics. There are plenty of comics series with associated series or even just a couple issues here or there that add context but can ultimately be ignored if you’re not into it. Any context you need will be briefly explained or shown in a couple pictures and then it’s back to the action. At worst there will be an asterisk that says “go see Spider-Man #14, Hulk #6, and Fantastic Four #10-15,” as a hypothetical example

Keep on truckin' :Optimus_Alt_1::Optimus_Alt_2:

Love the Atlas imagery. Is there a higher quality version of this cover? Might be my new phone background

This makes a whole lot more sense now. I’ve seen a couple incredibly supportive comments downvoted into the ground and started wondering if this sub was more toxic than I thought, being a less active member

It wasn’t paid for by sponsors. He made it clear the money goes to KF for future projects

I’ve been dealing with this a lot lately. I saw a few articles/studies calling it Cognitive Tic-Like Phenomena, and after going through this subreddit I’ve realized it’s apparently more widespread than I initially thought

I can suppress my tics decently well for a brief period of time, but it’s really uncomfortable and I have a series of tics as soon as I stop suppressing. More often than not I’m softening the blow by whispering or muttering the tics under my breath, if I can’t stop them I can at least pull the punch a little

I’ve always been a big supporter of Silverback Shack, but that’s mostly because the owner is a friend of the family

It’s like telling yourself not to think of a flying purple elephant with antlers

Yeah, he clearly didn’t understand that someone could try hurting or even killing one of the hosts. The line about the video wall was especially tone deaf