I'll go first.

I used to work with a guy, let's call him Mike. Mike was a pretty chill dude person to person. Good sense of humor and he'd worked at the company for several years. If you got him as a customer you feel similarly. Very polite. Very knowledgeable. Sounded genuinely happy to help you.

Key word. Sounded. This man was the master of using the mute button. We all knew to keep an ear out for when Mike had an annoying call because that was when the fun began. Again, on the phone he'd sound perfectly civil. But as soon as this man hit the mute button the vitreol would start flying. This man had the fowlest mouth I've heard since moving away from my mother.

It was always a treat listening to Mike take a call because he could switch from "Oh I'll be more than happy to help you ma'am, could I put you on hold for a moment? Thank you, I'll be right back." Smashcut to "You dumb piece of shit. Of course I can't fucking do that for you. Fucking cunt" and right back to "Hello ma'am. I'm sorry but we wouldn't be able to do that for you. I deeply apologize.".

Anyway. What is everyone else's funny work stories?