Pasta, much better when it's not crunchy 😋

It all depends, just like any other industry. I've had kitchens were I made genuine friends, people I still talk to 30, 40 yrs later. And I've worked in kitchens where I just wanna burn every muthaffucka to the ground. 🤷‍♂️

Illegal, pass - and tell them to get bent... 😁

Atrocity? Pfffft, that's how I start my day 🤣

Respond with the facts and be professional. Others who read the review will see them for the DBs they are.

If it was my place, as soon as they started eating outside food, I'd politely ask them to desist. If they dont, kick'em the hell out. And, if you don't already have one, make sure to put up a sign that says "no outside food or drinks allowed" This is YOUR house, not theirs...

Ai-ya, the number of times I had calls on tech support passed to me from female colleagues because "women don't know anything" and the numpty customers would refuse to speak to a woman, smh.

Heh, exact opposite for me, native German speaker, but I've been in the US for so long I sound like bloody yank now, lol

(Edit spelling)

Empty beer & Whiskey bottles and cigarette butts...

"I don't even know you or like you, what makes you think I'd share them with you?" Shocker, she actually got upset 🤣

Yeah, but it's fun when you do it as a guy - creeped out more than one asshole that way, lol

Me: "<sigh> great, now I gotta call my manager over."

Dumbass: "why?"

"So he can call local PD and the Secret Service, after all, counterfeiting is a Federal crime...

"I dunno, what's it say on the sign you just read?"

I'm old and grumpy too (says so in my profile, must be true), and I just go "ooooooh, you're soooooo original..." usually shuts them up.

No, I gotta be here on Sunday just so some Christian mofo can come in and say "you shouldn't work on the Lord's day"...

So of course naming the child "priest" in Hebrew makes perfect sense, lol...

Lived here for 34yrs, non-LDS, and still something every day that makes me go "wtf" smh 😥

I place protective talismans on my house to ward off the missionaries, does that count? 😁

"I don't have a problem with Christianity, I have a problem with Christians..." - Me

🎵 "I don't want to set the world on fiiii-re..."

Looks like it's time for a "counseling session" in the walk-in...