Ikr? But when I worked night this yound man called in saying he WAS the elderly lady kn the account. I pushed back hard, he finally tried to say he was handling things for her but I was Helland suspicious and reported it to our fraud team. It was fraud, poor lady k ew nothing about it. Glad I was able to help a little. But these days with all the transgrender folk around it must be really hard to track down on the people dining fraudulent the gs without offending people just trying to live their lives.

I use it for women only groups, it's fine!

You need to put yourself first. Do not get in that weirdos car!

Don't go, full stop. Let her vent, but don't get involved. Don't share with her any more info, the chat will die down and you can walk away.

MIL forced somthing into stepdaughter mouth, which she knows the girl hates. And SHE A DOCTOR! Wtf

She must have thought your hovering hand wasn't in order to be that tiny bit quick to serve her and let her be on her way to doing important old lady things, like an afternoon nap...

So, I'm very glad you took the long time to show her its all ok! But your naps getting shorter! Lol

My sil worked in an office job until she was made redundant, she had a few months before her new job started so, being a huge horse lover, she got a got in an equine store. Omg, she HATED cuztomers!!!! I think everyone person should do national service, not in the army but 6 months in customer facing roles! At mim wags too.

SMe !

It though skyrim had sucked up enough of my life, in a good way, and several final fantasy games, but they felt so repetitive.

I finally gave in, I bought the ps4, I got gta and eso. But I didn't realise I had to have ps plus to play so it sat around for a while.

Then it happened... I started playing.... so. Much. To. Explore. To harvest, seemly never ending quests!!!

And here i am 8 years later. Still enjoying it.

Lol. I have several set up as second hand shops! But when I have 20+ of something, like those Falmer fences, they go into one of the store furniture storage chests.
How I wish we had a furniture storage bag with a SEARCH function

Totally! But I like shiny things. And more pets and outfits.....

I've bought a lot from the crown store. I love al(most) all off my 200+ pets and 70 something mounts. I have so many motif styles, outfits, skins etc.

Does all this improve me game? No. Does it make me smile to summon baby Raz? Yes!

Riding my skeletal wolf around during Halloween, dressing me and ember in very similar outfits? Throwing a bucket of water over a dead team mate in a trial? Flipping the bird, summoning my demonic chicken, my bone goliath, juggling things. Putting the mime houseguest in a dungeon...

Best of all is either getting half the trial group to summon similar pets, like ghostly ones, or changing my outfit and pet to match someone in a random dungeon. Never gets old. But it harder with so many more things.

Yes this has all cost a lot of money, but it makes me happy..

And isn't that the point?

BTW, don't spend Crowns on bag or bank upgrades!

It sounds like you are going through such a difficult time, you are so worried about your son, of course you are! And he's very precious.

Grandma sounds very old school, and as we get older our filters shift a bit. Please just get some space from her for a while, but don't cut her out.

As for your miscarriage, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm not religious so I wouldn't say its God's p,an or anything. I know you say you are trying for another baby, but it might be better to wait a little while, to settle into a good routine with your son. As he's so poorly it sounds like it would be very difficult to handle a newborn right now.

Now, go cuddle that boy!

Stay with dad, go collect your thing while bf is at work. Then call his mum and explain the things he was doing, like getting out of the car and talking about jumping on the trains tracks.

This way it will be over, you will be out, and his mum will take on responsibility for him.

You can't be e pected to live like this.

Did you lend him lots of money for the day? Did you have any agreement for repayment? Anything in writing?

You might need to chalk that up to experience, as payment to learn to get out of there.

You are DEFINATLY worth so much more and yes you are allowed to cry. You might benefit for some therapy yourself to process th8s.

Be safe x

How much time have you got! Lol

Here's one that l8ves rent free in my brain...

Credit card call centre

Wife is on the phone, says cardholder is deaf so can't talk to me. I suggest she relay my questions to him and HE answers for me to hear so we can handle this.

Fist question was probably month of birth.. August, she says. I repeat HE needs to answer, she only needs to repeat my question to HIM.

What's your year of birth, 19XX she says. I groan inside. I repeat, slow.y, politely, a bit luder,that only he can g8ve the answers, I'm sure she knows all the answers but that's not the point. I confirm she understands, I explain the system will lock put if if can't pass security.

So... I ask for 2 letters from his password. She gives the bloody answer again. I tell her all the same info again, tell her kf it gets locks he needs to go to the bank, will she tel him that, she does tell him, so she can understand me!

So, I repeat, again, that he needs to give the answer, I ask whatever it was and bloody pitch is showing off she's so clever and gives the answer......

Well, FAFO happens, long before that was a phrase, I explain. Then get this.... HE comes to the phone and can hear me just fine (provably didn't like talking k the phone) he's a Gary... at me! I apologise but Co firm he has to pop to the bank. POP he cries! Its not that easy blah blah blah, I tell him I explained to his wife over and over but she wouldn't cooperate with me. And that as he can hear me fine ge needs to handle his calls in future.


Almost ever centre I call has occurred issues slowing things down, I can't see AI fixing that!

You can refund thngs? Like the human banker I never use as I have the cats? Is this just pc? Please tell me more!

I prefer not to, and my burnt poe-tay-toe always has a wet nose! But he also sticks his face right up in mine, in my ear, my eye, sleeps on my pillow. 9nly if he wants to be fed.The other boy loves forehead kisses.

This is great fun!

Gain rapport: pet a cat, summon pet cat, talk to a khajiit, be a khajiit

Lose rapport: pet a dog, summon a dog, be a werewolf. Rin through a dungeons at full speed lewv8ng me to pick off all the adds.

I considered getting it, but there's a limit to how many fish are available. I found some info about it but I can't remember the numbers. I think its just to base fish, not all the fancy colours and designs