"It's not working"

"What's not working"

"Just fucking fix it"

Working in sales I met a bunch of cool and funny people. I left that job five years ago and these people are still in my life. We made that job so fucking fun. We didn't let the customers get to us. It was all one big roasting session with the boys.

Where I work they sent half our jobs to PH. all chat and email support. The only reason we still have phones is because our customers would lose their shit if their heard a foreign accent

Imagine complaining because you have it too easy and people going through a hard time is just too inconvenient for you

I'm the same height but like 50 pounds heavier and people tell me I'm skinny lol

The part that's funny to me is I don't have a southern accent. At least I don't think I do.

Yes. Always older women. They said I sound like some country singer

I love how the internet collectively decided to agree that it never happened. Just repress that memory.

Because the people who just want to fuck don't care what you have to say

We didn't live together, but my gf and I would take turns cooking depending on who's house it was. The only exception being the grill. If it was her house, I still did the grilling. She'd be in the kitchen making a side dish

You'll need at least $300 if your minimum requirements is "don't be an ugly crack head"

If a dude said "don't waste my time" I would think he's a massive douche