Tip Of My Rooster

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Does anyone remember which podcast episode it was where Gavin spoke about how, retrospectively, Animal Crossing: New Horzions coming out just as COVID took off was a "you had to be there" thing community wise?RT

To be specific, he said it was due to the fact that there was this whole community and culture built around the game and while people couldn't see each other or work on things IRL, they could meet up in the game and had to do daily tasks in the game, so it ended up giving people a sense of time and direction during the early lockdown era.

What video did Fiona say she didnt remember when the plane landed on the Hudson?AH

Also when in the video it is. I thought it was one of the GTA4 videos, but I can't watch through the videos right now to find it.

Does anyone remember?

"More than less than Half"

I'm not even sure if this is a quote from something RT related, honestly. RT just makes the most sense where I remember it from.

Does this ring a bell?

While people are still here!

While people are still here does anyone remember the gtav vid with Geoff,Ryan,Matt,Jack, Alfredo and Trevor play a game like kill quota but Geoff and Ryan weren't having fun due to skill issues, I remember Geoff mentioning Millie and her getting petite cures

AH Let's Play - "Longest silence in the history of Achievement Hunter." AH

Think it was Minecraft, but it may have been GTA or G-Mod.

Iirc, someone asks someone else a question (Gavin asking Jeremy, so says my gut), and there's a legitimate 3-5 seconds of complete silence that shatters the previous conversation with everyone's befuddled amazement. Gavin responds with "I think that was genuinely the longest period of silence that's ever happened in this office."

AH Rainbow 6 Siege with AlfredoAH

What video was it where Alfredo exclaimed, "f***in Potato!" ? He said this because he had missed the enemy with a lot of shots and then got killed.

F**kface / Regulation podcast, episode where Gavin interrupts himself talking about lenses by saying "who cares?"

Basically the title. Gavin is explaining to Patton how the more lenses there are, the more light you lose. I believe the initial conversation was about telescopes. But Gavin really starts getting in the weeds with the technicality of it and stops himself, Definitely within the first 50ish episodes and absolutely says who cares

Guess Who IRLRT

Looking for the Guess Who that they did in the office where they had everyone sitting there on chairs reacting. I think the guessers were Geoff and Gus.

Geoff AdventuresAH

I remember watching a series of Achievement Hunter Videos where Geoff was traveling and making real life videos and one was where he jumped off a tree and ended up throwing up but I can't seem to find the video or remember its name at all

Looking for a video ad from Rooster Teeth?RT
Looking for a video ad from Rooster Teeth?Community

There was this commercial with Michael Jones and Samantha Ireland, and I think it was for the firestick? It was talking about soap operas and Game of Thrones and Ashley Burns played Cersei and Jon Risinger played Jon Snow…

I didn’t think I was imagining it but I cannot find it for the life of me.

RTP: Jessica Vasami started singing 2000s song, and, I think, Eric shut it downRT

She started singing P.O.D. and/or Avril Lavigne, and Eric went, "yeah no we can't do that."

May or may not have been when she made fun of Gavin's accent.

Ray singing “when you’re going down the slide and you feel something glide, diarrhea”AH

I want to say it was a Halo or Black Ops LP, but I can’t remember more specifics than that

"smack that Updoot with your Myatt hand."AH

I know it involves JRH, but I have been saying this to myself while watching Matt's vods. Anyone remember where it came from?

Building a Landing Strip in MinecraftAH

I’m losing my mind right now, I vividly remember a Minecraft during the Achieveland/Achievement Cove era where the boys built a landing strip and tried to use elytra to land on it. I can’t remember who all was in it besides Trevor and Gav, but it used to be one of my favorites.

Gus and an optimistic cushion

Probably on an RTP, Gus mentioned he saw a cushion in a store saying something like ‘this is as good as it gets’. Gus initially took it negatively but then went ‘ohh, it’s actually a positive thing!’

It was definitely on the 2nd last podcast set (the bar one with wooden slats background) and that’s all the dating help I have.

Has the Fakin It video been taken down?

Tried to find the Fakin It video with Geoff, Fiona Nova and Millie recently and I can't find it or any posts about it being taken down. Has it been?

Pasta Pete offers Michael WaterRT

I think it was a face jam near the Texas snow blackout in 2021 when pasta Pete (Chris) offered Michael water as Texas said it was unsafe to drink the water?

Sea of Thieves "Uh I'm wet as fuck down here boys, the boat is sinking"

Trying to remember where this is from. I remember it being near the end of the video, where I believe Michael is looking at a menu or something in the first floor o the boat and then suddenly the boats starts to fill with water. I clicked through their SoT videos and couldn't find anything at first glance.

Does anyone remember this?