Oooh see now I feel like a real Caboose lmao. Thanks for the help!

Bold of you to assume I wouldn't Google something first lol. Definitely did a bit of that first, nothing came up. I'm curious what search terms you used

AH Let's Play - "Longest silence in the history of Achievement Hunter." AH

Think it was Minecraft, but it may have been GTA or G-Mod.

Iirc, someone asks someone else a question (Gavin asking Jeremy, so says my gut), and there's a legitimate 3-5 seconds of complete silence that shatters the previous conversation with everyone's befuddled amazement. Gavin responds with "I think that was genuinely the longest period of silence that's ever happened in this office."

I dunno, I remember the "shoes of a champion" crowd (myself included) being pretty disappointed in his position there. Might have been eclipsed by the questionable use of Wyatt and Howdy, though ๐Ÿ’€

More than you'd think, but less than you'd hope

Morons, the lot of you

Personally, I'll seed for a long while once it's done downloading, but I'm still at 0 percent for DBZ and stuck on 50 something for DB

Saw this in Mexico as a real little kid, never knew what it was. Dropping in nearly a year later to say thanks to everyone for putting a 20+ year mystery to bed

More than you'd think, but less than you'd hope

It's the fighting game equivalent to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. You either go insane from the isolation, or come out a combo god

More than you'd think, but less than you'd hope

Well said. Shit like that is exactly why I'm glad I went with the Cupcake ending, and didn't look back.

why are we still here

just to suffer?

Fuck! My bad. We got this! One more? Lmao

Popped a remedy but I don't see your sign. Might be my end, it's happened before

Once you're done there, down to come up the road to Maliketh's fight and help me out, as well?? He's kicking my ass across the arena as I type this. Password is seedbois, site of grace is "beside the great bridge"

Oh wow. I just dove back into the game after two years away, so this post really warms my heart. Best of luck to everybody! Don't forget to igni-spam the floor in celebration if you win

Honestly with how much the crowd was cheering Eddie Guerrero tonight, that finish was all this match needed. I was there and those cheers were popping off all night, even before the preshow. To have Eddie get so much love from the crowd and the talent sixteen years to the day after his passing... well, I cried like a baby.

He's back and in AEW and I couldn't be happier lol