Any reason is reason good enough lol. "No" is a complete sentence.

Does anyone remember which podcast episode it was where Gavin spoke about how, retrospectively, Animal Crossing: New Horzions coming out just as COVID took off was a "you had to be there" thing community wise?RT

To be specific, he said it was due to the fact that there was this whole community and culture built around the game and while people couldn't see each other or work on things IRL, they could meet up in the game and had to do daily tasks in the game, so it ended up giving people a sense of time and direction during the early lockdown era.

Surely the lack of action on these problems is itself an action... The LNP had 9 years to see these problems both come to fruition and then refuse to do anything about it.

How do you expect people with disabilities to live then?

Ben Chifley

Not gonna comment one way or the other personally. It's not my fight.

The centrist establishment bastards don't like him. I'm far left and I love what he did.

Also, it is the current Australian Government that lobbied for his release.

Does SpaceX have any flight-ready or near-flight ready capsules that they could stick on top of an F9 within 45 days and launch?

Ben Chifley

If you really do want to talk about flairs you should maybe try not losing a world war you fascist

Edit: This loser is arguing in bad faith; they're using a neo-nazi slogan as their flair and they know it. It's the dog whistle game.

"sorry mate we can't do anything"

No, I'm saying that I had expected them to delete an ALP and coalition seat, then make a new ALP and coalition seat.

Ben Chifley

Surprised that the AEC has proposed abolishing two non-coalition seats. I thought they'd typically go for abolishing one from each major? Unless they plan on crafting a new "teal" and "labor" likely seat somewhere else?

Edit: Lay off the hatemail, I'm not suggesting impropriety; just surprise. I'm sure the redistribution will end up fair in the end as it always does.

Don't pretend that private consultants don't make the same errors too.