Not the one I was thinking of, it was specifically done in-person.

Guess Who IRLRT

Looking for the Guess Who that they did in the office where they had everyone sitting there on chairs reacting. I think the guessers were Geoff and Gus.

Thanks! This fixed my crashes too, but now even though my garden is at Day, the character models and chao are shaded like its sunset, any idea why that is?

Wouldn't you agree, Jean Pierre Polnareff?

Demon King Piccolo has Moon Level durability, he barely feels all rounds.

Satan would be Multiversal considering the people believe he took down Beerus, so anyone around that area.

A character with Toon Force can really do whatever they want, like running off a cliff but not falling until they realize it, or pulling a giant mallet out of their pockets. It's essentially extremely high level reality warping.

I think both the Iceberg and the Titanic are far too massive for Spidey to move on his own, so his best bet would be to help the ship last for as long as possible after it takes damage. In the end a lot of people would still die, but he could save a few hundred more people.

The age of the school bully matters massively, you haven't specified how old they are.

A high Toon Force character is almost always going to beat one that isn't, the only situation I can imagine Saitama winning is if Spongebob is clowning around for awhile as Saitama exponentially grows in power to the point he could defeat him, but that's a massive IF.

Moving faster than the eye can see is an extreme low-ball for both verses, Luffy has been dodging lasers since he was a child. I still don't think he beats Goku most of the time but their stats are closer than you make it seem. Luffy wouldn't survive a moon-destroying Kamehameha, but Gear 5 could give him enough of a buffer through his barriers to get out of the way.

R1: The depth that they can dig doesn't really matter all that much, result would be the same.

R2: Airbender still gets bloodbent immediately along with the others.

R3: A master waterbender can take water out of air itself, but it's still not a lot of water so the earthbender has a slight edge.

I'd say Todoroki, Bakugo, and Iida by themselves are enough to handle them. The sheer firepower that the three of them can pull off is ridiculous.

A better fight would be what combination of students can Baki barely take the win against, but I'm not familiar enough with Baki powerscaling to answer that myself.

Gon and Miche don't stand a chance. Tanjiro can smell things that are WAAAAY out of their league. He can smell how people are feeling, if they're a good person, and even thoughts. He also arguably has the best speed feats with Gon not far behind, so I'd give this to Tanjiro rather handily.

If Gon was Pie-Lusted, he could use all of his future Nen to transform into Adult Gon while particularly focusing on his Smell and Speed. In that case I'd give it to Gon.

If the D&D Character can get other people to act in initiative order then all you need is a level 1 character of any class.

The character instructs the Ukrainian army to make a single-file line with the one in the back holding any object. Then they enter initiative and the soldiers pass the object to the person in the front of the line. Since each turn in D&D is exactly 6 seconds long, in order for this object to pass by the hands of each of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers it would need to be moving at insane speeds.

If we slightly low-ball Ukraine and say that they have 500,000 soldiers in this line, with each person occupying a 5ft x 5ft square, this object would have to travel at 457,200km/h or 370 times the speed of sound, which I think would be a pretty solid strike on anything it hits.

If you want a serious answer, my bet would be a level 1 Bard with +5 Charisma, Expertise in Persuasion, and a few Enchantment spells to convince Russia to stand down.

Deku one-shots Baki all four rounds.

Same for the bonus round.

A little preface beforehand, if this fight were to happen in the series, the airbender would have a massive advantage by default since the other masters would have little or close to zero experience fighting airbenders, but I won't be considering that.

Round 1: Immediately the firebender loses, the sheer amount of water, earth, and metal in the arena almost erases their chances of winning and the airbender can bring in a glider to stay out of range. Apart from that it's pretty much anyone's game, earth and water have plenty of ammunition and airbending on its own is pretty busted especially with a glider, I don't think there are any weapons that could assist the other masters so I'll call it a 3-way draw.

Round 2: The airbender losing their glider and every other master getting a substantial buff means that this time around they're the first to go out. Not that it matters because the waterbender bloodbends everyone and incap's them immediately.

Round 3: Masters of water and earth can easily affect the entire arena in this round, so I'd say it's a 50/50 between those two types.

It would have to be someone from early-mid original Dragon Ball since I don't think Luffy can keep up with the sheer destructive feats from any later than that.

I think Luffy could go toe-to-toe against Goku or Tien from the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai Arc. If I had to say a hard stopping point that Luffy has zero chance of getting past, it would be Demon King Piccolo in the very next arc.

Aight lets give this a shot.


You could probably measure this using his striking strength but that requires math too advanced for me to handle so I'm going to base it off of his lifting. Supes should be comparable to Lobo who can lift the Pulsar Stargrave, which weighs 1.4 stellar mass.

We can convert this to pounds and divide it by 30 to find Supes' Strength Score since a character's lifting capacity in D&D 5e is 30x their Strength Score. This brings us to a score of 205 Octillion (205,764,950,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). Low-balling Supes and saying that he has no additional benefits on his unarmed strikes, his punches would do that much damage +1. This could kill an Ancient Red Dragon 376 Septillion times over. (376,858,880,000,000,000,000,000,000)


This is a lot harder to quantify as there's no definitive reaction time guides in 5e, but considering Superman can react to things moving thousands upon thousands of times the speed of light it should be in a similar realm to his other physical stats.


Superman can survive an explosion 50x bigger than Kepler's supernova while having his powers drained away by red solar radiation. (Which a friend of mine worked out to be around 2e+42 damage in D&D based on turning Fall Damage into Newtons). So assuming Superman is a level 20 character and he would have enough HP to survive this, his Constitution score would be around 1e+41. (100,000,000,000,000,000,620,008,645,040,778,319,495,168).


Like Dexterity, this is hard to quantify. He without a doubt is much higher than 30 considering he can create cures for every disease and build telescopes that can see into the future, but beyond that I'm not really sure how to quantify the exact number.


Again, hard to quantify. Supes has insane perception based feats but you could argue that it's just a sense like Darkvision. Superman being Superman, I wouldn't be surprised if this was also above 30.


He seems like a chill guy, maybe an 18.