I honestly didn't understand anything about this season. I feel like I wasted my time—it was the fakest "love" show I've ever seen.

  1. First of all, how did Christine and Nigel win when they'd only been a match for like a day?
  2. Stevan and Alara should have won. They seemed to have something more genuine than the others.
  3. No one was looking for love. It felt like they just wanted to stay in the house.
  4. I'm so stupid for believing Harry. I literally thought Melinda was lying. Poor Jess, I love her, and she deserves better. It sucks that both in Love Is Blind and this show, things didn't go well for her. When will it be her turn to be happy?
  5. Kaz is an idiot, and Micah is even worse for taking him back after he slept with Christine.
  6. Chris is an idiot. He literally doesn't understand half of what the others say, and he's a bad person. To him, Tolu was just an option, and she actually fell for him. Plus, he judges Dominique for her bisexuality, saying, "I think it's fun." WTF.
  7. I honestly thought Harry and Jess could have something long-term. They looked so cute together.
  8. Elys and Bryton aren't even worth commenting on.
  9. I get that Dom had his heart broken in the past, but this season he played dirty, and karma came back to him. What comes around, goes around.
  10. Even though Melinda's kiss was real, Jess is right—she didn't need to humiliate her publicly. It was so tacky and just attention-seeking.
  11. Honestly, the smartest and most classy ones were Jess and Tolu. The way they analyzed situations and tried not to expose themselves to the stupidity of the others is admirable.
  12. I wish things had gone better for Izzy. He seems to have a good heart.
  13. I love Alara. She seems like a good person and genuinely fell in love. But it seems it was with a trashy guy.
  14. Brittan and Holly were too intense. I couldn't stand them. This wasn't Too Hot to Handle.
  15. I wish we had seen more of Xanthi. I think she would have made a good match with Justin.
  16. Maybe Justin was one of the most genuine because he decided not to keep playing after getting his heart broken.
  17. What happened to Jake? He wasn't at the girls' day mixer or the finale. It's like they forgot about him. Haha.

In the end, I feel like Netflix didn't have a clear direction for the show's final goal. They had no foundation for determining if the couples were a perfect match, and it ended up being a struggle to see who could stay in the house.

I hope they improve because this season was ridiculous.