Make sure that vote blue no matter who is an educated vote. As we know, some say they’re blue and get into office and completely flip

Always. My ancestors didnt fight/die for my rights for nothing.

No candidate is perfect but this rhetoric of “dems and repubs are the same” has GOT to stop. This is not the same repub party from the past, the far rights have now seen what they can get away with.

Please remember you are not only voting for 1 person, you’re voting for their administration as well. Educate yourselves on your local elections/candidates and vote accordingly.

This is not a joke. Remember history. You are allowed to exist in the spaces you are today as a black person because people in a political setting in the past fought, voted and made it so. Honor them.

the eyes usually tell me. theyre always wonky and lifeless. its creepy

JunEndo#18 :Endo2:

my thoughts exactly. obviously you hope for the best but I hate that we even have to view CP as a savior for this team. i wish she could come back pressure free, back into a team that knows how to take care of business with or without her.

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

exactly. if they want a young roster, they better have the ability develop them quick if they want to rely on them so much. its almost like college ball actually provides something to these younger players🤷🏾‍♀️

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

did i just hear a “fuck you week”?? 😂

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

ACFC crowd has a more “welcome to all” type crowd. but it was something I’d expect to hear from a player, not an announcer. also cut them slack, its like 90 degress 😭

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

what an odd thing to say about the LA crowd???

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

screaming 😂😭

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

that front liiiine! my black queens 🥹🙌🏾👸🏾💕


Excited for this but hesitant. I want to see a good mix of the og businesses thriving and the new businesses mixing in well. Also would like better activities besides shopping and eating. Family friendly is cool but we need more stuff for adults to do in this city

i think he presents himself very differently to the women he’s “interested” in. he was trying to say all the right things to jess but in his confessionals and to his boys, he’d say the most disrespectful disgusting things about women. i get jess hadnt seen his shows before but the other women were warning her

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

they literally won the league last season?? this is so weird and I hate this trend of coaches being kicked immediately instead of giving them time to ride the storms out. like at the very least give it till the end of the season

I dont think dom deceived tolu but he definitely wasnt very nice after their date. His energy did a complete 180, it was weird. He really gave me the ick this season because in his previous shows, he seemed like a gentleman nice guy w.e. But he’s like those nasty guys that are only nice to women they find attractive and want something out of.

I lost A LOT of respect for Jess in this season and it started way before her believing harry’s melinda lies.

Its his height and banter. What I dont get how after the 80 shows he’s been on, where he acts the exact same way every time, women still fall at his feet???

:Angel_City_FC: Angel City FC

a lot of these takes fail to address her laughing at a fellow athletes injury. someone who made the game and womens sports better FOR HER. what about the disrespect there?

then you might have to make a shape of the negative space and cut it out of the logo

yall are hilarious 😭 this isnt me, i used a pic from pinterest as an example to show what i was trying to achieve! i got there in the end tho

This is the one i followed but there are tons if you look up braiding hair styles on youtube

if you’re working for yourself, its worth it. I think right now they have a sale where its $82 for the entire suite of apps including on the ipad, one time fee till whenever you want to upgrade. Adobe is like $250 a year for your entire life as a designer.

the downside is if youre working with others who use adobe its not as easy to open each others working files. also if youre looking for employment, its most likely they will be wanting adobe experience, but ive found adobe is very easy to get a handle of when youve been working in affinity. both have their pros and cons