I’m unmedicated for ADHD but medicated for anxiety. My husband is on ADHD medication but could use some anxiety medication 😂 we’re trying our best with our 3 year old who is just like me. I try to parent the way I would have wanted to be treated.

Currently reading the whole brain child, and angry parent, angry child is next.

Omg he gets fixated on certain ones and then changes!

Thank you! I think he thinks that they are both comfort and fashion 😂

Bandaids. Send help, he’d wear 20 a day if we let him. He’s 3.

  1. Pretty sure I saw Jake walk in for the girl’s day because I thought, “he’s still there?”

Depends on the length and what else is going on. Both my husband and I are neurodivergent so it’s possible our son is too. That being said, starting him with food first (he’s 3), and entertainment helps. A very loud restaurant might be overwhelming, or a lot of people, or if he can sense others are upset. He sat for over an hour last weekend and then in my husband’s lap for dessert. 1.5 hours. Other times we max out at an hour.

I had a newborn and a puppy a week apart (my son arrived a month early). I do not recommend, it’s like having 2 babies essentially and it was so stressful!

Get her all the facts, support her choice, but 18 is really young, and I understand not wanting to pay for this right now. If she feels the same in 5 years, would you consider helping pay then?

You believe the word of people who film themselves raping and killing minors and laughing about it? That’s logical.

As I tell my son, clothes are for anyone. Wear what makes you happy!

By 7 months he was sitting in a little booster seat thing I could put in the bathroom. My shower is glass so he could see me the whole time.

It’s abuse. Numerous studies show it’s harmful.

I’ve never heard of Ava, who recommended them?

I have an auth strap in black like that…yikes the stitching on it the round pochette is awful. The yellowing you can maybe tone down with Brasso or wait it out.

Right?!? “Sounds like you need help controlling your emotions, are you sure you don’t need any medication?” I would have totally been snarky like that, but I’m an asshole 😂

My 3 year old loves dresses, glitter, princesses. Recently someone told him pink is for girls and he has stopped wearing his more femme clothing. It broke my heart a little bit, I told him colours are for everyone and he can always wear anything at home if it made him more comfortable. We’ll see what happens.