Ok so she doesn’t have to move with you then. Problem solved. Of course HER friends and HER family want her name on the house. That would be a wonderful con if you did it. And don’t ever let her pay mortgage or she will have a claim to the house.

A depressed and unhappy person who doesn’t try to turn their life around for the better but just complains and acts jealous when things go well for others including myself.

Orange County is even more expensive than Los Angeles in many places

Can you afford at least $1200-1500 rent ( for a studio) and $200 for insurance a month? Fast food is $20 an hour but can you make a little more than that?

How did they mess up so bad on such a truly great game.

Maybe try submitting a ticket when it happens.

I think it’s a good thing to continue to come up with new content so the game doesn’t die.

Yeah it’s not save the world. It’s save the humans!

And that’s why u can have the retirement age increased since you like to work so much.

Beat it on hard on the first try with randoms.

Yeah if he was so concerned to watch her be “molested” he should have said something to the doctor. Looks like he took his insecurities out on someone he could bully. Picking up a child in a lap is not sexual at all.

It’s a think piece on the patriarchy because the man doubts she can wear pants. Pants are for men only! Then she breaks the glass ceiling puts on pants and walks away confidently. Don’t let any man doubt you! You go girl! And no…this is all bs, I have no clue.

Because we may as well keep the content we have if we aren’t gonna get new content.

She wasn’t in to you. Happens to everyone. On to the next. It’s a numbers game.

I’m still in my first year! Enjoy every moment! The day after the wedding stress is over and feels the best! Find a way to stay grateful and appreciate your partner every day. Don’t take them for granted!

R they removing the level too? Just what we need… less content

I was waiting for him to turn back into Will Smith

Right! Women can’t be funny! That’s appalling!!

What an idiot. He jokes about an incentive to get more matches and then doesn’t understand once playing along.