The Ancient One šŸŒ³

I was just a kid when you could still smoke on flights. Iā€™m fairly sure I remember that there were smoking and non-smoking sections on the plane??ā€”not that it made much of a difference at that point. I do recall being sick/my lungs hurting after long flights. It seems so bizarre now.

I know youā€™ve likely solved this by now, but mine does this all the time when he sees something ā€œscaryā€ and wants me to move it. He wonā€™t walk by the ā€œscaryā€ item and will act strange until I figure out what it is and move it out of the room.

Historically, ā€œscaryā€ items have included:

An accordion folder, an upright dust pan, a toy King Kong, an extension cord, a stuffed Elmo toy

We have had him since he was a puppy, so he hasnā€™t had any traumatic experiences involving these things. Heā€™s just a little goofy.

I feel like heā€™s going to get a few net shirts as gifts now. At least we can hope.

Exactly! This dog looks like he stealth pooped somewhere or chewed up a fancy shoe!

The Ancient One šŸŒ³

Why if itā€™s actually Creed, and BJ has simply been the coverup this whole time?

Jess is so full of herself and seems out of touch with a lot of things. I am not at all surprised.

But honestly? All I could think about the entire time I watched that show was: How did Tolu end up on such a trashy show? I would love to be her IRL friend bc I feel like she was probably secretly horrified over the antics around her. Iā€™ll bet she has some great stories.

This worries me as well about OP believing Harry. That man was a red flag in human form. Any man who love bombs like that and professes his desire to marry a woman and take on her child within an hour of meeting her is full of shit, struggling with some mental issues, or (usually) both.

Hard agree. Jess coming at Melinda was insane. The entire time I kept thinkingā€”she did you a favor. Thank the woman! Throw the man away.

Mine is afraid of accordion folders, but I donā€™t aggressively shake accordion folders at him and then laugh at him when heā€™s afraid.

The Ancient One šŸŒ³

This is legitimately the first time I have ever found him attractive, but thatā€™s not a huge shock for me. I look like a proper Southern Belle irl, but I have a thing for the sleazy look.

Iā€™m not someone who is going to spend thousands on a bag, but if I were, there are some legitimately beautifully crafted bags out there that I would want. I donā€™t get these Goyards. Am I missing something? They look so uninteresting and plain.

The Ancient One šŸŒ³

Iā€™m a young GenX, and Iā€™ve never seen this video either. That being said, I never romanticized their relationship. The only time I ever even thought of them was the plane crash. They were never on my radar.

Edit: The only thing I remember about JFK Jr pre-plane crash was when Elaine was wanting him during ā€œThe Contestā€ episode of Seinfeld.

I was so proud and so tired with ONE! Freya is a rock star! Sheā€™s so amazingly sweet being as tired as she is and still wanting to give you little kisses!

Yeah, he looks way too youngish and boring. I wouldnā€™t give this guy a second glance. Bring on the lumberjack/viking-looking dads with some salt and pepper hair.

ā€œI can fix him. He will take one look at me, choke, and be a whole new man.ā€

I know Iā€™m late to the party, but season 1 was my favorite. My husband and I watched it together and loooved every time Seaburn had to be ā€œRebecca.ā€ He used this hilarious little ā€œRebeccaā€ voice, and his friendship with Shubham was so cute.

He was wanting to make sure nobody saw it so that he could double down on his lies.

This is the first show Iā€™ve ever watched with him in it. I was baffledā€”absolutely baffled. I know Iā€™m older and not his target audience, but he initially comes across like a fussy, attention-seeking hot mess. Then watching him more, you realize heā€™s not only lying and manipulative, but he starts branching into some serious DSM-5-type behavior.

Likeā€”if I could create the personality of the perfect man, heā€™s pretty much the polar opposite. The dude might as well have cartwheeled out holding all the red flags he could carry.

The Ancient One šŸŒ³

Kanye West: George Bush doesnā€™t care about black people.

Mike Myers: šŸ˜¦

Chris Tucker: šŸ˜®

Mine gets into blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Then he has the nerve to come back inside covered in blue and red spots acting like he has no idea where he got them! Ha! Itā€™s so cute!

I thought mine would never stop the playful little nipping (that would still hurt), but almost overnight when he just under 2, he stopped completely. He will still want to hold my hand in his mouth at times, but heā€™s always so gentle now.