I used to be obsessed with MTG in HS (circa 2003 around the Onslaught block). Life happened - College, Career, Family forming, etc - so it’s been a while. How long is a while? Last time I played the game, mana burn was still a thing. Friends of mine asked me if I wanted to start playing again & explained to me that EDH is where it’s at (which is funny because of how we viewed the format back in the 00s).

But hey, I figure this can be fun. In my youth I was heavy into Angels, Dragons, Demons and Reanimator decks. I start looking for commanders that fit the bill and find [[Kaalia of The Vast]] and she’s perfect. I start building based on my experiences of old and I’m pretty satisfied.

The game happens on Spell Table (which is ok but I prefer in person) and it’s amazing. A buddy of mine was playing the new Eldrazi precon from MH3 and it’s a wrecking ball. The game progresses to about turn 12, I’ve got 4 counters on [[The One Ring]], 6 life left and just suffered a board wipe. I’m basically dead unless I do something. So, I play [[Demonic Tutor]], grab [[Animate Dead]] and revive the [[Worldgorger Dragon]] I had to chuck into the graveyard a few turns earlier, creating a flicker loop and wipe the table with [[Abraded Bluffs]]. There’s untapped blue so I’m expecting some kind of counter/removal, but it resolves & I win.

15 years ago a come from behind win like that would have been met with cheers, high 5s & a couple of cheating accusations 🤣. Instead I was kinda scolded & made to feel like my win was cheap & told my deck was OP.

I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to do. I had a crap shuffle, had my board wiped twice, down to single digit life but my win was cheap. I blame myself for maybe misunderstanding the format.

Is a wincon not a combo? Is interaction taboo? Are wins based on equity?

I’m dazed & confused.


Thank you all for the feedback!! I have a better understanding of the format's expectations and Rule 0. I'll sub out tutors if needed based on the table. Again, thank you!

The deck - https://archidekt.com/decks/5811208


Again, thank you for the feedback, I want to close with this -

I don't expect to win a ton of games with the deck, but I also don't expect the tables I sit at to allow me to "do the thing". I'm expecting adversity, I'm expecting to have my mana disrupted, I'm expecting stax, counters, wipes, etc etc. The goal is to never pub-stomp, but now that I'm looking deeper I'm realizing that many in the format ONLY play this format and have been allowed to "do the thing" and curate their experiences amongst their playgroups. Fair I suppose, but MTG has much more to offer than allowing you to amass treasure and food tokens for an hour. I'll find my experience and I hope some of you branch out a bit.
