Looking forward to getting to that point

Hello. I'm a new player who has no fucking clue what is going on

What a lush tree.

I agree with other posters commenting about not getting the mower on the roots, maybe use a push mower to do that bit, or a scythe for the cool points.

The Innistrad Ghostbustery things had a whole Frankenstein mad scientist vibe that is thematically consistent with the vibe of the plane.

Bradley Walsh on a magic card is fucking weird

Also it's a zombie cat which is a big bonus


I played Farewell for the first time recently. It felt real bad.

I use the Totally Not Ultron (or whatever it is) title for my Ultron deck but don't have an Ultron avatar.


I've read the answers in this thread with interest. I'm a super casual player drawn to the format by the inherent variance and potential viability of bad old cards and weird overcosted draft chaff. I've played 60 card formats and still play limited from time to time. But I find joy in building thematic decks and assembling nonsensical engines to try and secure a win.

All that being said I think what you did sounds fine in the context of a game at that power level. Making sure everyone knows what to expect from the game up front is key. But even with a power imbalance pulling out a big combo win on turn 12 or whatever is totally cool with me, even though I think tutors are boring and contrary to the ethos of the format, and that The One Ring is a mistake.

Go well and I hope you get to do some more cool stuff


I don't run any tutors in any of my decks, black or otherwise.


I don't play 60 card formats because I think running 4 ofs is boring and I'm still nowhere near as mad about it as you

I wore X-talons for my swimruns. Drained incredibly well with excellent grip. I have never done anything to my feet other than wear good socks, but whatever works for you.

My wetsuit is the Zone 3 evolution suit with the front zip, pockets and calf sleeves. It's brilliant and seems to be on sale at Sports Direct (of all places!) at the moment depending on your size.

Have you got any races lined up or just thinking about going and doing it solo. It's been a number of years since my last race so I have no idea if anybody runs them any more.

I enjoy xDefiant despite the jumping bullshit. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more if that wasn't a thing you could do in game though

I never played this era of CoD. I'm glad, that looks totally fucky


I do not. Mainly because I don't want to play them.

I'm not averse to proxying but I don't like playing generically strong cards

It's one thing to be experimenting with a concept, which arguably is quite cool, it's another to be so objectively bad at executing it and another still to be tattooing in a fucking railway station!

Make your stencils.out in the field. Go back to a safe, sterile place to tattoo them.

The comments missing the point on here are absolutely superb

I would be annoyed that their response to the tree being in the way was to just snap off the branches, they should have said when quoting that the tree was in the way and asked you to cut it back.

Not exactly professional work