It's one of the few really well respected series that I haven't finished...

Is your friend a goth or just an in the closet juggalo?

Goth's name their kids after tragic characters from classic literature or, maybe, their favorite bands.

And Arachne is already a female name from classic literature ffs. Why the fuck would you ruin it by putting the "idette" at the end?

You need new friends.

297 but kind of burned out and feeling like I've experienced everything the game has to offer at this point.

That's called a typo. Considering you both made posts about the number 42, that's pretty damn obvious.

Chill out, man. Dude literally answered your question. 42 is the answer the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything in the sci-fi book, movie, and radio show The Hitchhikkers Guide to the Galaxy.

That's the explanation.

Honestly, it's killed my enjoyment of the game. I haven't played in 3 days cause I'm just sick and tired of getting the same common tier masks over and over.

I don't know if it's a larger trend, but the only places hosting cEDH tournaments around me all banned proxies about a year ago or so.

This bullshit is about a year too late. Primaries are over and Biden won them all in a landslide. We had the chance to pick somebody new and

A) Nobody with a political pulse had any interest in putting their name forward

B) Absolutely nobody made a stink about it until right now to convince anybody to put their name forward

The fastest way to tank the election, is y'all posting this shit about needing to replace him. There is not a single other politician with the profile and broad support that has the campaign infrastructure in place to pull this off.

All these posts are doing nothing but breeding voter apathy, especially in young people that we desperately need to turn out if we want to have at least something close to a functioning democracy this time next year.

Did you forget how primaries work? If the majority had wanted somebody else, we'd have had somebody else. He was far and away the most popular choice. He's so popular that nobody with any halfway decent chance at a shot even bothered putting their name in the bucket to try and primary him this time around.

Quit swallowing the media apathy pill. Biden has spent the last 4 years being an objectively great president and nothing about that is going to change because he's 4 years older than he was last time you voted for him.

Quit swallowing the anti-Biden rhetoric from the media and the bots. It is not a coincidence that the "Sleepy Joe" rhetoric Trump has been using against Biden since the last election cycle is suddenly the mainstream media opinion. It's nothing but bullshit. And if you're not gonna quite eating that shit up, at least stop helping to spread it around.

Physical Science | Biology

Populated part of Nebraska, bachelor's, 10 years experience, 53k,

Money is not speech. Ban campaign donations entirely. All campaigning to be done via government funded, nonpartisan outlets. Debates are weekly events held year round televised on CSPAN, PBS, and NPR, streamed world wide, subscription and ad free via all relevant streaming services. Treat them kind of like we treat the live sports. Saturday is for college footbal, Sunday is for the NFL. Well turns out Tuesdays are for national races and Wednesdays feature your local races. Transcripts of the debates can be requested and are required to be printed unedited except in cases of fact checking which requires a valid source be printed alongside it.

No commercials. No mailers. No yard signs. No merchandise. No 24/7 News Network Propaganda Machines. No bullshit.

Yes. OP did in fact state that was a problem. And your proposed solution (Which you claim is outlined in the rules even though it's not) solves that problem but brings an entirely different problem along with it. Which is why in my original post, I gave an example of a problem that your solution could cause and then offered a simple tweak that solves both fucking problems and leaves everyone happy.

Face up just means the information is publicly available. It does not say that that's the moment you turn it face up, simply that it is face up while in the command zone. You are reading things into the rules that are simply not there.

This is casual commander, the judge probably doesn't exist or at least isn't an actual judge and doesn't give a fuck about how the table decides on what decks get played anyway.

If I flip a commander that's going to hard counter the deck you flipped over, and I go "Ah, yeah, that's not gonna be a fun game, ya'll mind if I play <insert deck that is a more fair matchup> that a judge at FNM is gonna be like "NOPE FUCK YOU, YOU MAKE THESE FUCKERS BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS OR GTFO OF MY STORE!!!" for real?

I am genuinely glad I don't play at the same stores as you if that's the case.

No. It's not. "Put your commander in the command zone" is not the same as "Reveal your commander to your opponents"

You're entire stance has been invented in your imagination.

Once again, the rules you quoted do not say anything about when you reveal your commander. They state when your commander goes to the command zone.

So now we get to argue about what an official act is and delay these preceedings until after he's back in power.


Sorry, there must have been some confusion about what I was asking for. Those state when you put your commander in the command zone, I was looking for the rule that says you can't reveal who your commander is before that point or that rule 0 must happen before commanders are revealed.

Nobody in 2024 is arguing Favre is the greatest QB of all time. I don't think anyone was arguing that in his prime, either.

I have a [[Lonis]] deck that just kind of accidentally simics it's way to wins every so often. Every now and then I do a thing and then suddenly realize I can loop that thing over and over, and I've suddenly drawn my deck and won the game without meaning to.

No swaps is a terrible policy. Swaps only with the approval of the table is the way to go. If 3 people pull out creature ETB decks and I pull out Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines... that's gonna be 3 miserable people in a 4 player game.

It also assumes everyone is pulling out decks with the same power level. If I pull out my sub cEDH Lonis and everyone else pulls out upgraded precons, that's not a terribly fair matchup, either.

May 2024, 1 year before release of Civ 7 avg player count (before the announcement bump): 40k players

October 2014, 1 year before release of Civ 6 avg player count: 32k players

It's popularity has decreased so much that MORE people are playing it.

Like the map is less and less about building and plotting. For some reason it feels restrictive and less open and free to build as you want

So you feel like the game where you have to painstakingly plan out where each district goes in the city is less about building and plotting than the one where everything you build in the city goes in the city center and there's no thought or strategy behind it?

That is... certainly an opinion.