It’s ironically not a token deck, it’s just Gyruda clones with a lot of support (Ratadrabik, Reanimator)

Absolutely not, in my opinion. Even when you breakup with someone, the attraction is still there. You can’t just turn off a part of your brain. Keeping in constant contact with them via the friendship means that attraction won’t die out. You’ll be sitting there pining after them, and that’s quite sad. The distance that cutting them out gives you is what helps get rid of the feelings you had for them.

So I guess, the answer is sort of. There should be a relatively large time gap between the breakup and the friendship

I would perhaps bring up the issue of a porn addiction, if you’re intent on staying. A lot of these comments are right in what they’re saying, but a porn addiction is a real thing that can mess with your head. It’s entirely possible that your boyfriend enjoys your body, but his brain is anchored towards porn, which are of course 2 very different things. Of course, the comment about your body was unnecessary and hurtful.

Perhaps try asking him how much porn he watches weekly and how often he’d do the One Man Dance on average. It’s important to be understanding

[[Sovereign Okinec Ahau]] is a personal favorite. +1 counters are super fun with it

Try Zombie Tribal + Landfall. I tried to build this deck too. It’s one of those commanders where there’s lots it could do, but it’s hard to pick a path. So don’t. Necrobloom is a solid token generator, so try building around that.

I’ve got a few: - for budgets sake I originally never included tutors in decks unless they fit the theme (Diabolic intent I Aristocrats for example). Eventually I found that tutors made my decks less fun to play, so I stuck with it. - for the same budget reasons I don’t include fast mana or staples like Smothering Tithe or Rhystic Study - for a long time I refused to “eat my vegetables” and would only include interaction that was synergistic with the strategy. The decks I used this in happened to have tons of synergistic removal (namely Essix and Henzie), but once I built a deck that couldn’t dk this I was screwed. - I also try to think about management. Granted, Possibility storm is cool, but in most decks it’s must too much effort.

I think I settled on Feather. I was torn between Feather and Zada and wanted to know what other options I have

I’m well aware of the whole Singles/packs debate, and most kf my budget was indeed on singles. I had 5 decks before opening any packs at all, but I continue to make my money back on the packs I’ve opened and I enjoy it. Especially with MH3, where prices for lots of cards are higher than I’d like them to be, the odds of pulling 1 of the bajillion cards in MH3 that I’d like to have is guaranteed.

As for the draft chaff, I think the choice is probably Feather. I’ve got a ton of instants and sorceries that fit the deck, so that’ll be cool

I just looked through quite a few of those and I am finding none-few legendaries. I feel like I’m missing something actively

Draft chaff commanders?Discussion

Hey all. I’ve recently been developing my collection and getting some large chunks of cards from my LGS, and I am now determined to try and build a deck (or most of a deck) with said cards. It’s almost entirely commons as well as some cards from MH3 (I’ve bought 5 packs and will continue to do so). My question is, what are some good commanders? Preferably multicolored, as the collection isn’t large and there really aren’t many cards kf one color. Any tips are good!

I have not been keeping up with the story at all. I thought brothers war was a recent-ish set

Again, yea, you can give tons of revival counters to Ulamog, but the counters themselves have no text or anythjng. The cat is what makes them work, and only when they’re in the cat

Some general notes: - reset 500 gold quests as much as you can, you’re aiming for the 750 gold quests - I built decks in Brawl that can fit any of the color requirements for quests, and recently built a “quick wins/kill quest” deck which I’ll get into in a second - always buy the most recent packs. Your best asset is Wild cards, as you can put them towards anything you want, and opening the latest pack will be faster than opening an old one. - generally people stop at like 4 wins daily (ish). Feel free to keep playing after that it you feel like if, but after 4 wins the win rewards fall off and it’s not worth the grind. For quick wins, I’ll usually hop into a brawl match with a Dimir Control deck. After getting their big spells/ commander countered or removed a few times, people tend to forfeit. Alternatively, aggro decks win quickly. I’ve been using mono red prowess and that’s pretty solid

Depending on the format, there are some good deckbuilding sjtes.

MTG goldfish is great for any 60 card format, lets you see what the meta can look like and what people are playing in your deck of choice.

I’d reccomend trying out low power commander (maybe even Pauper EDH given how much kf that will be commons). There’s definitely some commanders out there that can make use of objectively bad cards, and commander is, in my opinion, the easiest format to build.

Discovered an accidental one a while back in Oathbreaker: Mishra’s bauble/lotus pedal, paradox engine, Emry. Infinite card draw (eventually) or infinite mana is pretty cool

How would this even function with Hedron crab?

I mean, yes? But that doesn’t make the combo any better. Ozolith + cat is already a loop, doubling season wouldn’t do anything to make it more effective. The thing that prevents this from being a true infinite combo is that the cat comes back on your end step, not immediately

Advice to get started?Question

Hey all. I’m a regular EDH player who recently got into building less optimized decks. It’s led to quite a bht more fun and a lot more casual playstyle, and then I heard about Pauper EDH. It got me interested, and after some basic research on what the rules are (still a little confused), I settled on an “aggro” deck with [[Khenra Spellspear]] at the helm. Is there a website I can use to see other decks or deckbuilding advice?

Also, since I’m here, any ideas for stuff I should run in the deck? I was thinking of making it sort of like Feather the Redeemed over in regular EDH, where I just keep casting buff spells. Any tips are appreciated!

I’d have done worse honestly. Coming from a guy, that just sounds like predator behavior and it needed to be stopped way sooner

Yeah that end step clause is really what’s keeping this card from enabling a ton of infinites

I believe necromancy is the only inherently evil one, at least by the morals of the Skyrim citizens. I’d argue soul trap is immoral in most cases, but that’s up for debate. Outside of that most of the non-necromancy summons are at least neutral, maybe leaning towards chaotic neutral