Pauper EDH

r/PauperEDH12.1K subscribers2 active
Played our first EDH Pauper last night and we had a blast!Discussion
Played our first EDH Pauper last night and we had a blast!Discussion

Our group is plagued by power-creep wether it’s with precon decks or built decks. We changed some of our rules to alleviate this issue, but ultimately our decks are quite efficient (while not being cEDH).

We decided to build pauper decks to test out this format and we had a BLAST. Sure, the game was almost 3 hours long but the absence of wrath, the reduced number of mind boggling synergies, and the general pacing made the whole experience super fun and a bit less frustrating.

I had an [[ERINIS]] + [[SCION OF HALASTER]] and against me: a [[LOZHAN]] deck with a lot of dragons and adventures, and a [[KUTZIL]] deck with 20 [[Slime against humanity]] cards.

My additional building rule was: only cards I already own.

So yeah, if you’re on the fence, if you feel your group needs a break from the powercreep, try a Pauper deck :)

[WASH DC] Pauper EDH Mini EventEvent

Hi everyone,

My local LGS in Washington DC, Labyrinth Games and Puzzles is hosting a competitive PDH event on August 3rd.

There was a similar event in March and one last September, so we're looking to build on that success with more attendance to this August event.

The mini event will be on August 3rd at 2pm and will consist of a single competitive game. The event costs $5 to enter and every player will receive a booster pack for playing. The winner of each pod will receive a $15 gift card to the store.

After the first game, the play space will still be available until around 5pm for free play. So once you've played the first game with your competitive deck, feel free to stick around with your new brew, jank, or just other fun PDH decks to play with other PDH enthusiasts!

The event does require registration ahead of time and you can register online through this direct link.

I hope that some of you local players will be encouraged to come play and share in the growing pool of local folks from the store that have gotten into PDH!

Note: As a WPN store, the normal rules of competitive play will be followed and proxies will not be allowed.

Opinion on my first Jund deck?Decklist

Hey guys, this is my first time building a pauper edh deck (and actually also my first time playing red and green colours). I appreciate any feedback.


Commander: [[Mr. Orfeo, The Boulder]]

Deck Type: Midrange?

The basic strategy of the deck is to use ongoing removal throughout the game to slow down my opponents' board states while chipping their life away with trample and some burn.

At first I thought I would have more [[Slime Against Humanity]] however it seemed to be a bit of a bland (and expensive) build so I ended up keeping it as a late game threat with the assistance of some enchantments and pump spells.

My sideboard has some more black cards which may be useful depending on my opponents.

Opponents: AFAIK my friends may be running a token/recursion deck and a voltron. In-progress.

[Deck Tech/Primer] Oni of Wild Places Mono-Red ETB’s | Tuesday Night TakeoverArticle

Oni of Wild Places is a super wacky and weird commander; after all the Pauper Deck Techs I have done, it honestly feels so weird to have six mana, but this deck really is a ton of fun, it's great for any skill level and is just a blast. And with only one other deck I could find on the internet you know we had to do it!

What's you favorite weird and wacky commander in EDH?

We absolutely need more Oni decks in the format, if you build one please link it to us we'd love to check it out?

If you are interested in seeing our take on this deck here is the link:

What's the deal with Amaranthine Wall?Discussion

Hello everyone! New to PDH. When I go to PDHRec (, it shows the most played commanders. Most of them make sense, but I don't understand what [[Amaranthine Wall]] is doing at spot number 8. What's going on here? Did someone make 305 copies of the same deck?

Champion Deck Series #3: Common Cause IV - w/ Winner Lobbert! Sphinx Summoner Deck Tech!Video/Podcast

We're back with the latest cPDH Tournament Champion, Lobbert!

Not only has he just won his first cPDH Online Tournament, but this same deck has TOP 4'D twice before! This deck is better than you imagine! I interview Lobbert on his deck, synergies, combos, challenges and LIFE ITSELF!

The Deck:

Lobbert's Deck Tech:

Looking for something that's consistent but fun too!Discussion

Greeting all,

My playgroup has recently decided to try out the pauper format and I've now been trying to cultivate a decklist for a hot minute, but I can't seem to get anything to stick with me. I've tried several different strategies across multiple color combinations in moxfield, but I can't seem to find the right list for me. So far I've attempted [[Tainted Observer]] simic proliferate, [[Unforgiving One]] Reanimator, [[Quintorius, Field Historian]] boros graveyard shenanigans, [[Kulrath Knight]] counters control, [[Herald of Kozilek]] Izzett Eldrazi, and [[Iraxxa, Empress of Mars]] Other than Hand casts. It could very well be my anxiety talking here, but I keep finding myself either bricking, not enjoying the strategy like I thought I would, or both. I think I'm going to try Dimir for the card selection options, most likely [[Araumi]] or [[Obyra]].

Therefore I've come to ask the community what builds do you have that always do 'the thing'. I care far more about that than building a competitive list to win everytime, so whatever you guys got I'm sure will be fine! I will note that there is a player in our pod with a strong [[Mayhem Devil]] list, so I'm preferential to avoiding strategies that care a lot about sacrificing things, or voltron lists that are super weak to edict effects. Thanks in advance!

Ancestral Recall in PDH???Decklist

Hi all! I have brewed a new list and would love input, critique, or any constructive feedback for my homebrew of [[Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar]]! I decided to put these Slime Against Humanity]] to use and look at the deck as more of a draw/go playstyle with plenty of protection for times that it’s not my turn. We want our kitty to stick to the field in order to accumulate maximum value and churn through our deck faster than steam powered engines of the Industrial Revolution.


Thanks and have a grand day, all!

Arbaaz Mir deck advice Decklist

After seeing [Arbaaz Mir] I was pretty stoked at the idea of a affinity ping deck as those are two of my favorite types of playstyles but im finding in playtesting its burns out a little quicker then id like, I filled it with as many draw artifacts as i could think of, any advice on ways to speed up?

Advice to get started?Question

Hey all. I’m a regular EDH player who recently got into building less optimized decks. It’s led to quite a bht more fun and a lot more casual playstyle, and then I heard about Pauper EDH. It got me interested, and after some basic research on what the rules are (still a little confused), I settled on an “aggro” deck with [[Khenra Spellspear]] at the helm. Is there a website I can use to see other decks or deckbuilding advice?

Also, since I’m here, any ideas for stuff I should run in the deck? I was thinking of making it sort of like Feather the Redeemed over in regular EDH, where I just keep casting buff spells. Any tips are appreciated!

Some wincons for this Garna listDecklist

I just recently got into this format so I'm not sure what the higher end wincons are and would appreciate any suggestions.

Doc Paupaurlock HelpQuestion

I've been working (slowly and low effort) on a pEDH decklist for Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius. Here's an untrimmed decklist that includes a few things that I've been rotating. It's just that the WHOLE deck has felt extremely underwhelming.

I was really excited about this concept when OTJ dropped, but I can't seem to get it to work really well. Has anyone else worked with Doc, and if so, what were your struggles and troubles? Did you get anything that you thought was useful, or how has it performed in your groups?

[Deck Tech/Primer] Catapult Fodder Mono-Black Sacrifice | Tuesday Night TakeoverArticle

Catapult Fodder is a super fun casual deck that feels flavorful! It is super flavorful for mono-black to be throwing a huge creature or even sometimes a crocodile at your opponents face! This deck is absolutely just for fun but truly is a blast and one of my go-to's when pulling out a deck for a newer player or a fun kitchen table game.

Do you have a Catapult Fodder deck? What are some of the best and worst commanders you've come up against.

If you have a list i'd love to check it out!

If you'd like to check out our take the link is below!

Link to Article Here: Catapult Fodder Mono-Black Sacrifice

Deckbuilding Advice Mono WhiteDecklist

Hi, I'm completely new to PauperEDH and want to build my first deck. I want to build Resilient Wanderer as my first Commander, but I don't really know how to get her rolling. I thought about a Voltron Strategy, but I don't know how to replace the cards I discard. Is there any real card draw in Mono white I can play? Cards that actually give me card advantage and not only replace themself.

Any other things I should include or generel ideas?


Minotaur Illusionist Voltron?Discussion

Been digging through bulk at my local store looking for fun pauper stuff. Found this fella [[Minotaur Illusionist]]. At first glance he didn't seem great, but he wouldn't be too bad for a Voltron build, no? He's a little costly, but has built in protection and as a last resort could be used as removal. I know he's not as good as the big meta Voltron guys, but I think it'd be worth a shot