If you look closely you can see a discoloration almost like the card was wet around whatever is stuck to it. But there was no moisture feeling to the card and it’s not warped in any way which I found unusual. I’ve been tempted to scratch off whatever it is to see what would be underneath or to identify how exactly this occurred.

Like I’ve mentioned to others. This came out of a fresh pack of 151 that was in the mew collectors edition and I purchased from Amazon. What’s even more strange is that all of the other cards in the pack were fine.

These pictures I uploaded this time are recent of them card now. Last time I posted it was right after I opened. The difference I’m noticing is blob looks more dry overtime almost like it was oily maybe? The dry fibers look a lot like card stock to me but it’s hard to say.

Thanks for looking and giving your honest opinion!

Yes, yes it is. There was a charizard ex in the same pack though and none of the other cards were damaged so there’s that.

Never seen a bird Naruto run like it’s storming into Area 51 before.

That’s the most brilliant deductive reasoning and I never would have thought of that!

Can somebody tell me how this even happens let alone gets past quality control?Discussion
  • Weird blob on corner. All other cards in the pack were normal!

  • Is this considered misprint?


I’ll try posting it again. Really wish I got it on video. Opening that card was the reason I started pursuing misprints and some of this stuff like this is just wild to me!

I pulled a tentacruel from 151 that had gunk on it inside the pack. I’ve never seen anything like it. I posted it and it got no reaction im not sure if people didn’t believe it was lack fresh or not.

This seems really like a cold welcome but a warm threat. Think you scared OP into wanting to respond to any replies. What do you mean by support only and not seeking… don’t we all by human nature seek support?

Commander as a whole has actually been a little smoother and plays faster which imo is a good thing. The main thing that has changed is that people get butthurt and petty even more quickly than they used to. That’s basically the game in a nutshell. Oh also your clones don’t kill legends now just letting you know in advance. My clone.dec got wrecked haha

Sled in the winter. Play a long horn and shout “Ricola!” in the off season.

Could be something I should look into as well. Thank you for your input!

This was the best one. I’d like to add Cabal Kindle

This is so common to the point where I’m ashamed to admit I play the game.

This doesn’t just help a little, this helps a ton. I use Corel Painter and I’m trying to get back into adobe but it’s been awhile. Looking for that all around that I can also take in a backpack and from what you’ve described I think I’ve got this one locked in.

I love it! Thank you for your input. Do you turn the settings way down to get it to run halo smooth? What software do you use on it for art?How is the studio 1 holding up for you so far? Sorry for so many questions you were they exact person I was hoping would weigh in!

I was initially leaning towards this assumption too; however, the functional but detachable keyboard of the new Pro 11 intrigued me when it came to functionality producing artwork. I figured if it could also play halo the form factor would make it an easy choice. I highly doubted it would run anything GPU intensive.

But do they have a touch screen with a high quality pen? Trying to find an all in on solution for an artist in small living space who still likes to game and can fit their life in a backpack. Any suggestions you have are welcome thank you!

[Request] New Surface Pro 11 or Surface Laptop Studio 2 for Halo Infinite?Resolved

I'm trying to figure out if either of these can even play Halo Infinite and, if so, which one would be the better option? Is it even possible, if not, can you recommend me a two-in-one touch screen that can both draw and play halo infinite decently well?

You know you can go on mtgtop8.com and do a search under whatever format you’re looking for and search by year and select burn or red deck wins and see the winning lists right?

It’s thirsttraps all the way down