Upfront, let's eliminate the idea that love is an emotion. I'm talking about love as a choice, not a feeling. For argument's sake let's use the word affection as the "feeling of love"

The title contains all the premise and conclusion. However, I think it's important to define God and Love in this context, even though they are the same. God is the supreme being who made all things. Love is "to will the good of another" meaning you not only want the best for someone, but you would help them achieve the best for themself if you reasonably could do such a thing.

I hear and/or see many comments that atheists feel better since becoming atheists, because they are free of guilt or shame. I wonder though, how has the lives of those around them increased for the better or worse?

Christians definitely are guilty of hating people and increasing suffering, but I would say that such actions are a form of atheism because any rejection of love, is also a rejection of God in proportion.

Edit: Perhaps not the right post for this room. I think it's more appropriate for r/debatereligion. The premise is based on Bible revelation, which is already rejected by Atheists, so probably a terrible source to bring to the table in this forum. Just so I can see the criticisms, I'll leave the post up, if that's ok with everyone.