Looks like it might be a Wood Blewit (Clitocybe nuda), which is perfectly edible, but never accept mycological advice from the strangers on the internet including me.


Chtěl jsem jít přes les. Vlezl jsem do lesa a po dlouhé cestě ho opustil na stejné straně místo na opačné.

It has some parts of UI from Windows 3.1, 95, XP, Vista...

Technological shift around the turn of the millennium, 80s were still analog, 90s were the transition and 2000s were already digital.


Nic hezkého, tedy pokud nejsi klerofašista, ale v českém subredditu trochu OT.




Mapy.cz pro přesuny pěšky a turistiku. Google Maj lepší autonavigaci a street view,


You get this kind of dedication in every cult/religion. And since all of them can't be true at the same time, it's safe to dismiss that kind of "evidence".

I won't see black. I won't see nothing at all because I won't exist any more. 

Was it scary before you were born?

"I don't understand it so it must be a miracle!" 

...no wonder you are a believer.


Krysí potrat. Delikatesa na kousku opečené bagety s lanýžovu majonézou 👌

Natural selection. Not everyone gets to procreate 🤷🏻


Tohle je ten model k napouštění rybníků, ne?

Usually it is the lowest setting. To be sure you may check some deep technical reviews but it's not that important. 100 or 200 should do it.

Started with occult rock, like Coven and Black Widow (around 1970). Big renaissance in early 80s with metal bands like Venom, Celtic Frost and Bathory. Those are called "1st wave black metal" now. Another wave came in the 90s mainly from Norway with bands like Darkthrone, Burzum and Mayhem (called "2nd wave BM today), but there were also some notable bands in between, especially from eastern Europe or Latin America (Sarcofago, Masters Hammer, Root, Tormentor...). After 2nd wave the satanic and antireligious imagery became so "mainstream" in metal it's not easy to further analyse the development of it.

41 and 42 are those vintage trams with separate tickets, 23 is a bit more modern but still retro tram rideable with standard ticket.


Nevím co to je, nezajímá mě to, ale vím že za to může oteplování :D

Ignorantstvi lidi na internetu mě asi nepřestane udivovat.