It was REALLY hard to know what was true back then.

It seemed like there was new information about it coming out weekly. Granted I was like 8-10 years old, so I was probably getting things more second-hand than an adult would at the time.

But you'd hear on the news that it wasn't spread through the air or through casual skin contact. But then you'd also hear friends and family saying that their cousin's hairdresser got it from a toilet seat or something.

It was a huge deal to me, even at such a young age, that Diana did this.

She was killed by rabidity of the European media, and by her own stupidity for not wearing a goddamn seatbelt.

There was good scientific evidence at the time. But it was VERY difficult to disseminate that evidence in the 80's without nay-sayers and doubters being just as vocal.

You'd hear that the CDC or whatever saying it couldn't be spread through skin contact. And then you'd hear 100 stories about distant relations of distant relations getting it from a toilet seat or something. It was very hard to know what was true.

I was a kid when she did this, and I still remember it clearly. It helped me feel less frightened about this boogeyman disease at the time.

I remember it clearly. I was a very young kid, in another country, who didn't care about the British royalty one bit. But I remember even with what we "knew" about AIDS changing seemingly every week, Diana was confident and loving enough to do this.

It helped my fear, a lot. It's a clear memory of those frightening times and anytime she is brought up, this is what I remember about her.

I was a kid when she did this. I remember being very frightened of AIDS. What we "knew" seemed to change weekly. But one thing we did know is that it was a death sentence.

I don't tend to pay any heed to the British royalty. But I remember, even as a 8-10 year old kid in California, Princess Diana was confident, kind, and loving enough to embrace people who had active AIDS. It really helped my irrational fear.

It's still one of the only things I remember about her whenever she's brought up.

Butterworth’s Enclave

See the Turtle of enormous girth, on his shell he holds the Earth.

Doesn't sound like much of a marriage.

NTA of course

Something that's hard for a lot of people to understand is that the high-stress low-reward jobs that pay a lot are not jobs you want to do forever.

Those jobs are things you do for a few years, build up a savings, then quit and do something meaningful again or retire early. Meanwhile, you've fallen into the same trap that nearly every professional athlete falls into.

You can fix this pretty easily... You get a small house that fits your family. You get reasonable economical cars that fit a budget. And you budget as though you were making a median income for your area. All the while you put the rest of your income into some reasonable investments.

You will live meagerly for a few years while you bank the crazy job money... Then when you have enough to maintain that standard of living for the rest of your life, you quit and either retire or find a more fulfilling and less stressful job.

Agnostic Atheist

The difference between wild-ass assertion and proof is that you can re-state a wild-ass assertion to say precisely the opposite.

The world as it is reveals an unthinking, unfeeling universe that came to be both abruptly and with no apparent underlying cause. That is discoverable through natural science.

You can deduce literally anything that is logically possible through logic. What matters is observable, repeatable evidence and theory that explains all observable, repeatable evidence.

ADHD-PI (Primarily Inattentive)

You tell your doctor your symptoms and they decide the appropriate dose.

The rule I was told with a tourniquet is if you apply one, assume they're going to lose everything below it.

You're basically sacrificing the limb to save the person. Obviously not a 100% rule, but it becomes more and more likely with each minute that passes

Agnostic Atheist

2000 years of any day now. Apparently that goes for their doomsday fetish as well as our eradication fetish.

Their numbers may shrink. But they aren't going anywhere. It's a mind virus that can and will never be resolved. Ever.

A student says to their teacher, "I don't have any friends"

Teacher, "Well let me ask you this... Are you friendly?"

<shocked Patrick>

Butterworth’s Enclave

The Expanse was my last obsession. Read those several times.


"Stealing" isn't a thing in employment. It's about squeaking out the best deal. And even if it was a thing, she tried to 'steal' her first.


For involving your children. They are not part of your divorce, they are your children and your ex wife is and will always be their mother.

Celebrate all you wish without involving the kids. Your children shouldn't know details about your relationship. It's not their business.

People in general, but boomers in particular HATE being wrong and really hate being called out on it. They were just trying to come up with a post-hoc plausible rationalization for their racism.

Just wish they'd put one in the northwest metro. Maple Grove area...

There's that old Wahlburgers location...

Butterworth’s Enclave

I like to listen to Audio books when I exercise. My goal was to re-listen to the Bobiverse books for a month or two of runs.

I started the first one... And when I got back home and couldn't turn it off. I also tend to be a bit obsessive. Well now it's a month later and I've listened to all 4 books 3 times.

I switched to 'The Three Body Problem' - a first-time read for me - for my running motivation. It's okay, but just not as good.

I'd like ONE app that shows me all the offerings from every single streaming platform. It has my CC info and keeps track of all of my passwords for me.

It shows me what I can watch with I'm currently subscribed to, but also everything else too. It automatically cancels my subscriptions before the end of the month.

If I want to watch something on a subscription I'm not subscribed to, it makes or re-activates an account, subscribes, and I can watch it - Then cancels before the renewal.

It shows me all the services I already am subscribed to and will warn me if I'm above a certain amount of money per month. Hell I'd PAY for an app like that. It'd save me hundreds of dollars per year.

Building Codes and Regulation exists precisely so there can't be dangerously subpar home builders.