My husband and I went to stay with my parents for a couple of days. They moved to a suburb with mostly older people when I left for college, so I don't know any of their neighbors.

My husband and I are both Asian. Walking around the neighborhood with my husband, I noticed that there were many white male boomers married to Asian women. They were generally nice and we would smile or wave as we walked by.

The next day, I went out on my own and one of the white boomers in his 60s came to introduce himself. He told me his name and his wife's name, which I recognized as Vietnamese. I remember from the day before that she looked 20 years younger than him, and was still thin whereas he was really overweight.

He then asked: "How are you and your brother doing back home?" I told him that he was my husband, and thought to myself that it was weird that he assumed he was my brother. We both wear wedding rings, have different skin color and look nothing alike, and we walk closely side by side.

I expected him to just say something like “oops I see” for this small mistake. But he actually said: "Oh… ok..." in a confused manner, with a completely dazed look on his face for several seconds. I could see the gears turning VERY slowly in his head.

I saw him again the next day and he approached me and said "Hey, how's your 'husband'?" with a strange almost mocking emphasis on "husband". "Sorry about the confusion, it's just that he looks like your brother. He's a lucky guy." I said "ok..." and just walked off. Creepy vibes aside, once again, we look NOTHING alike. I'm short, thin, and pale skinned, and he is dark, tall, and muscular.

It was such as weird experience, realizing that there are these white entitled boomers who feel that they are entitled to be with all the Asian women in the world, just because he and his neighbors have Asian wives. His wife is probably a Vietnamese refugee from the war (timeline and poor English speaking ability match), and now this overweight boomer feels like he's some prince charming who all Asian women can't resist?