50 something


If you disagree, please press 1 and express your disagreement. Did you say you'd like to speak to the Atlantic Ocean? We are connecting you to a Klingon speaking representative.

We have an unusually high call volume. I know you hear that message every single time you call, but we still call it unusual.

Your call is important to us. You are caller number 3090.

What is your password? May I have your passcode? May I have the email address of 5 of your closest friends? May I have the password to reset your password?

Did you state you wished to extend your contract with us for an automated payments? Too late. It's done. You have agreed to mandatory arbitration in Tehran. Just read page 9800 of the EULA.

I would hope that people who have the ability to destroy cities with phasers and possibly cause a war with another civilization would already have a well developed sense of self awareness, mindfulness, and emotional stability prior to being in a position of command, engineering, security, and so on.

Perhaps emotional self discovery will be a valid part of a future series involving Star Fleet Academy. That would seem the proper place to experience those things.

I enjoy science fiction more for the stories than emotional character development.

Perhaps that just means this series isn't designed for me.

I'm glad others enjoy it.

"He insisted that the violent rhetoric he posted online about the Capitol attack wasn’t reality-based but was for “internet cool points.” He said that exaggeration was part of "gaming subculture" and that he engaged in "heated political rhetoric" because he liked to "shock people." He said he was trying to fit in with the community of Trump supporters."

So, what they say in that forum isn't truth.

Only thing I ever see him holding are sticks.

He just played with sticks.

I've always Tucker had the dog seeing a magic trick look.


I don't think that's exclusive to Christianity, nor even Abrahamic religions.


The one I believe in.

The Church of the Subgenius.

It's the world's ONLY designated FOR PROFIT church.

They don't care what you believe. They just want your money. And they ADMIT it. They proudly PROCLAIM IT.

With the Subgenius concept of Bulldada, anything said about any subject by a member automatically becomes dogma of the church until contradicted by a statement by another member. So, it's constantly changing.

But, you get really cool stuff by becoming a member, and their pamphlets and books are hilarious.


Yup. The person in the picture could be an abused spouse or stalking victim in hiding.

I would not DM the OP. Call the cops.

If there is some public posting from a police agency about this, they should post that and not appeal for peope to message them directly.

Twelve seconds in... is he constipated?

I mean, not just mentally but his colon?


Atheist means I don't believe in any God.

So, if I need to read a holy book to come to know God exists, why read the Bible first? Why not the Koran? Or the Book of Mormon? Or follow some religion of some ancient people?

You know, if I had to study the supposed holy book of every religion I reject, I'd have to spend more time reading them than my lifespan.

It's really a stupid claim. Zero thought went into it.

I’m not a resident of the UK and you are correct I did make an assumption it was a full time job”volunteer” program.

Thanks for the correction.

We have politicians in the US proposing “let’s get free labor from the young through mandatory ‘volunteering’” that imposes an unfair burden on them through ageism. Such a mandatory labor law should apply to everyone.

I apologize for the assumption it’s similar to some US proposals.

She wrote this book in 2009 well prior to Trumpism.

Voters with poor reasoning skills are easier to manipulate.

Negative dollars.

They pay you!

I always think back to about 1977 and Mr. Wilkerson's intro physics class. The quickest way to get your answer wrong was to not label the units. Didn't matter if you had 5 pages of equations and the number to 25 deciminals. If you didn't have the unit it was wrong.

A guy at a former job had to read EULAs for shareware. A lot of “we own everything you do” language in those.

But he also found Easter eggs. “I don’t think anyone will read page 19 but if you are one of the first five people who do and email me I’ll give you a free license for the full version”

Yeah- by "ads" I mean extra information on all manner of possible services available from the hospital. Go in for an ear ache and you leave with a 15 page document.


For those who are unaware, it's run by the state public utility commission.

The ruling board is ....,Appointment,the%20pleasure%20of%20the%20governor.

The five commissioners are appointed by the governor to six-year, staggered terms. The governor appoints the presiding officer (chair) from the five-member commission to serve at the pleasure of the governor.


Damn Democrats and their foreign-

Wut? Rick Perry?

It's free market economies on an international level....

:TD: The Dreaming

The only reason I knew about her was I hung out with some music majors who had a small town record store where the owner went to Europe to get new things every few months.

Outside of that connection, I may never have encountered her.

I would be in favor of it- if it applied to every single person regardless of age who did not serve in the military.

So, Sunak would also get to spend 40 hours a week picking up garbage on the side of the road for a couple of years.

Yes, he'd have to quite his current job, but it's a small sacrifice. And he'll love it.

I was speaking about the issue in health care when a patient receives an extremely long After Visit Summary "AVS."

It will have information on what you described to the physician, any test results, what medications you may need to take, discontinue, any phys-

OH But did we tell you that you may be eligible for a vaccination?
Oh, we have a program for this vaccination that you don't need. Please read this extra page on how you can enroll on line to see if you may qualify. And, it's this great logo picture on the page really motivation to have you go there?

OH but we mention this transportation program for poor patients you don't qualify for? You can just visit this web site at to see if you qualify.

Oh, were you going to read you needed to rest for at least 3 days with your legs up? Sorry.... that's later on in the document that you're going to toss just it has so much junk in it you won't read it.

It’s too bad we have so many jobs that appeal to military aged men like construction, agriculture, and other low education service jobs.

Of course if we removed the incentive through jailing executives that allowed those hiring decisions that would help.


Having a 10 page AVS with the important information on page 5 is outright negligent.

Putting essentially spam ads in there is freaking evil.

:TD: The Dreaming

The desire to live outside of “civilization” and in the aboriginal ways.