Just wanna break up the string of “I didn’t like this and that and this and that” posts with things people actually enjoyed.

I thought this was a really well-made docu-series! I loved all of the alumni coming back and performing on the field.

I saw someone say they didn’t like all of the backstory to the girls which I was shocked to read. I loved learning about the girl’s backstories because it humanized them. I also found it really inspiring to learn about all the other stuff these girls have going on with their full time jobs. Honestly, it kinda lit a fire under my ass and made me take inventory of the hours I have in my day.

A funnier moment- When Reese was going on one of her I Love Jesus tangents and then cut to her solo when she was dancing to a much sexier song than I expected her to lol

What did y’all enjoy or found inspiring?