not afraid of hard work but never do your dirty work

Can someone explain how LVP is horny smart? What does that even mean? šŸ˜‚

I love a lot of them, I canā€™t pick a favorite. Erica, Peter, and Josh remind me of my friends from college. Luke seems like a cool guy. Marcus and Erin are great. Kiana and AlĆ© are awesome. Mallory and Emily seem really cool. I canā€™t pick a favorite.

Off topic: currently obsessed with Shayneā€™s impression of Emily šŸ˜†

She may be a mess but the RW crush I had on her back in the day immediately resurfaced when she came back.

Jordan, Jonna, Aviv, and Derek and you can keep the change ya filthy animal. Iā€™m picking a team that I can work with and I think would complement each other.

You should find old episodes of AfterBuzz TV where Frank berates Sam. Basically calls her unintelligent, the mind of an infant, all that after Sam was there for him. Still donā€™t understand why Frank was still mad at Sam AFTER they won. It came across like Frank ran out of excuses to be angry so he went in on Sam for no reason.

Been watching The Challenge since 1999, Iā€™ve never missed a season. Season 39 was the first season Iā€™ve never completed. I lost interest after episode 3.

I liked that it was a more in depth/serious take, that we saw more of the girls throughout the year and it wasnā€™t all smiles and ā€œyes maā€™amā€™sā€ like the reality show.

Flora and Kefla werenā€™t boringā€¦ everything was overshadowed by the Laurel/Cara/Nicole storyline.

Iā€™d never agree to one but Iā€™d make one in a heartbeat.

BB9 is one of 3 seasons Iā€™ve never watched since it originally aired. Not even clips. I have such vivid memories of changing the channel or sinking into my seat because it was so hard to watch at times. Iā€™ve been meaning to rewatch for a while but canā€™t bring myself to do it.

Welcome to Dunder Mifflin where no one has friends outside of work.

  1. Been watching The Challenge since day 1. Originally started with Real World, I think the first season I watched was London and then the very first season of Road Rules. I always preferred Road Rules over Real World so when The Challenge came around, it was like Road Rules but better.

Honestly I was waiting for it to be announced they were eliminated right after I posted this.

If a swear slips out every now and then no biggie. If youā€™re someone that uses it as a filler, itā€™ll be more difficult to maintain an audience. Some wonā€™t mind but most will turn it off if every other word is a swear even if swearing doesnā€™t offend them. Itā€™s equivalent to someone saying ā€œlikeā€, ā€œbut umā€ or ā€œso yeahā€ all the time. Itā€™ll just get annoying after a while.

The masculine overcompensation that these two constantly project is insaneā€¦ this is one of those rivalries where Iā€™m waiting for them to either punch the other one out or aggressively make out.

Originally I thought it was Zoe but as the season progressed, I started to think it was Cordelia. I adapted Dwight Schruteā€™s way of thinking and I always think itā€™s the person I most medium suspect and that was Cordelia for me.

I just roll my eyes or utter some variation of ā€œughā€ every time he speaks with that dumb ass grin.

Not a topic that Iā€™ve seen come up but I have lots of opinions about Courtneyā€™s connection between her love for Grease 2 and her having to take plant reproduction. That movie is so insanely horny and thereā€™s an entire song that takes place in biology class called Reproduction where all the plant reproduction terms are used as double entendres for sex.

No, because Full House was already super cheesy and lame and Fuller House was the same exact vibe.

Worst reboot is The Conners (imo). It may have the same set and most of the original cast but itā€™s not the same as Roseanne. Roseanne was about the lives and struggles of a working class family which reflected the times of the late 80s and 90s. The Conners is just another cookie cutter family sitcom. For me, a tv reboot needs to bring something fresh while still having the same vibe of the original. Fuller House achieved that. The Conners didnā€™t. Just my opinion.