I didn’t recognize those names so I just went and looked them up and unfortunately not them!

No not the merrel twins! Thank you for the suggestion though!

No it’s not them! But thank you!

Unfortunately not them. Niki and Gabi are still pretty well known and I believe from Pennsylvania?


This might be a little niche! But pls help!! :)

[TOMT] Twin YouTubers from pnw Open.

I randomly thought of these twin YouTubers I used to watch maybe back between 2014-2017 sometime? They were twin brunette girls who were pretty into fashion(they would do outfits of the week I think) and lived in the pnw I believe. I want to say one of their names was Olivia but that could be totally wrong. I don’t remember if they had a big following at all. The two set of twins that keep coming up in my research is Shelby and Monica church and the pardy twins. It’s neither of those set of twins.

I actually really enjoyed it! As someone who has grown up in the dance world I appreciated having a more “authentic” look into the professional dance world. Working as a professional dancer is going to be hard and confusing at times. Dance is so subjective and lot of the time. I never thought the DCC was this “perfect” organization. So I guess I enjoyed the real life aspects of the show. No one’s life is ever sunshine’s and rainbows all the time. There are so many factors and decisions that go into life. Also everyone on the show is human, including Kelli and Judy. Do I agree with them all the time. Hell no. But they are still human and I believe are trying to make the best decisions for the team. However I think charlottes stance on why they don’t pay the cheerleaders more is crazy. Like girl be so for real 🙄

Acid reflux !!!! It is the worst for me when my stomach is empty too

Awww I liked her teeth before tbh

I have been a follower since the beginning of her last program and tried to watch all her lives religiously but I think in the last 6 months it has gotten to the point where I truly get sick to stomach because she is soooooo mentally ill and refuses to get help. She is so frustrating! I don’t see her life ever turning around if she continues to act, lie, and live like this.

Ohhhh okay that makes way more sense, haven’t lived in Utah for over 8 years and my brain remembered it in daybreak for some reason!

I have been thinking this for awhile! I think she found out she was pregnant pretty early on to their travels and was probably feeling not well the whole time! I think that is the reason she barely posted!

For what I could see last night she was defending him?

Rylan: troubled teen facility TW: Abuse/other

I watched “The program: cons,cults, and kidnapping” on Netflix. If you haven’t watched it is essentially a documentary about a residential treatment facility center for troubled teens and about the teens who were sent there. It got me thinking about Rylan and the place she was sent. I know discussion has happened on this topic before but truly my heart breaks for her if the place she went was anything like this place. I don’t understand how a family can just go back to “normal” after sending a child to a center like that. I hope for Rylan’s sake that her teen facility was better.

I go to Disneyland often and $600 is extreme unless you are staying at one of the three hotels on property. Most hotels in the area right now are under $200 a night

Very excited to try these

I remember hating the makeup when this came out and wow it is even worse now looking back

Can we talk about how this 2 year old just flew first class on an international flight 🙃 literally a dream for so many people. idk how else he would of gotten through the flight if they didn’t have first class seats but still that’s a dream to be able to afford that

I am a sucker for gimmicky makeup products like this but I don’t think I can get behind this one lol

My concern is that she is wearing a Christmas outfit on October 25th ?

This has nothing to do with the clothing but instead the “taking a break for my favorite part of the week” and then proceeds to record the entire singing time?!? What happened to the break? I’m confused lol

I love Haileyincolorr! She is more colorful if you are into that… But she is for sure more sustainable than most influencers! She also buys a lot of clothes from smaller brands

Can we talk about the all glass front doors?!? While they are visually stunning, I would not want just anyone being able to look in constantly at a good chunk of my home ?!?