
r/BorderCollie124.5K subscribers9 active
Weekly grooming session according to my overdramatic border collie
  1. ripping off all his fur ( brushing)

2 cutting off his nails to the quick ( cutting nails)

  1. Butchering off the half of his legs ( shaving paw pads so he doesn't slip on the floor)

  2. applying caustic acid on the paw pads ( applying paw wax on the paws)

  3. Taking his paws from him, so he can't walk (putting on socks so he don't lick paw wax off)

  4. Stealing his butthole (tidying his butt fur because he shi*s himself sometimes)

He is very cooperative during grooming, but he is very vocal and dramatic. I don't need advice. I just wanted to tell you how overdramatic he is...

Keep away and fetch

My 6 month old pup loves playing "keep away" and is supernaturally good at not letting me grab her toy from her. She also has realized how fun it is for me to throw her toy over and over, which means having to bring it to me. She frustrates herself as she follows me around wanting me to grab her toy from her and throw it, but can't help herself from playing keep away and not give it to me. Pick a game!