Keep away and fetch

My 6 month old pup loves playing "keep away" and is supernaturally good at not letting me grab her toy from her. She also has realized how fun it is for me to throw her toy over and over, which means having to bring it to me. She frustrates herself as she follows me around wanting me to grab her toy from her and throw it, but can't help herself from playing keep away and not give it to me. Pick a game!

Also, he only did it after he told me not to look at him, so I covered my eyes, but stayed nearby to help when he was done.

He literally just initiated himself going to the potty and it was poop this time. His first poop on the potty that was his idea. We're on day 20 something of no diapers. I am so happy right now.

Our first stealth poop was on the welcome mat outside the front door

I just did the same about 3 weeks ago for my just turned 4 yr old. Had to force the issue. My advice: invest in a really good carpet shampooer with the hose attachment too. It's been such a savior. He pooped on the couch the other day.

Day 22. No pee accidents yesterday or today. He pooped on the couch tonight. He hasn't pooped in the potty on his own yet. We've carried him to the potty in time twice when he began pooping but I guess that's not clicking.

This shit is wild. Day 9 of no pants, we had 1 win, and then the rest of the day was screaming and crying and peed on the couch twice and bedroom carpet once, and he pooped on my Welcome mat outside the front door. Yesterday was Day 10 and we had no peepee on the potty. Literally zero progress. Day 11 today, and he has went pee on the potty 4 times by himself, all initiated by him.

I posted in here a few days ago. My son's almost 4 and not potty trained and made zero progress by 5th day of no pants. We're on day 8. So far, my neighbors have all seen his junk since he likes to run outside while pantsless and run around the front yard. But I came home from work and my husband says he ran to the potty today and peed. He also peed all over the floor this morning after sitting on the potty for 30 minutes. But I am going to take the win that at least one time, he used the potty, on this magical day 8.

Turns 4 soon, not potty trained

I'm just venting a lot because I am seeing zero progress in our efforts. I potty trained his older sister when she turned 3 and had normal potty training experience with her. However, my son has always been hostile toward sitting on the potty, so I held off until he seemed more ready after talking about the potty a lot, reading books together, etc. But he turns 4 in a couple weeks and he seemed no more open to the idea.

I picked a day to go completely pantsless, and I'm on day 5 and it has been rough. It might be bearable if I had any progress to show for it. He refuses to sit on the potty most of the time. Rewards don't work, as it devolves into a tantrum because he really wants the reward but is too stubborn to sit on potty still. Sometimes he relents when he's in the right mood, sits on the potty with his tablet, and the timing is lucky and he peed while on the potty and I treat it like he won the lottery. That's been maybe 3 times in 5 days. It is not clicking. He rarely tells me when he's wet and doesn't seem to care. He has never once indicated beforehand that he feels he needs to go potty.

He's resistant to change in his routine, but once he accepts the change it's been no problem, So I just figured we'd have a few rough days where he resisted change, but it would click and be fine.

I'm off to go shampoo his carpet again. He refused to sit on the potty but apparently just peed on his floor again. I think I'll take him to daycare tomorrow and enlist their help. He might feel too comfortable telling me no, as the parent, on his home turf.

I only slightly wanted a boy over a girl simply because I was terrified of her hating me. My family on my mothers side has a history over generations of daughters hating their mothers. Myself included. And when I had my girl, oh man, is she defiant and definitely likes to do whatever she wants, so I'm still a bit terrified how this will play out in her teenage years. I'm trying to frame it as she'll become a leader and how independent and confident she is and praise that. Cross your fingers for me. I love her so much so I'm hoping we make it out the otherside with just a bunch of gray hair for me.

My female BC at her recent 4 month appointment was 24lbs. Which Google tells me is 11kg.

I think I'm officially getting old now because I need someone to explain what this shirt means.

My feeling was more, I was an empty gas tank. I had nothing left to give and was on E. I even told him that when he was just SO blindsided despite all my pleas and previous conversations. He wanted me to try just a bit longer. But I was out. Nothing left.

What week or month did potty training click?

Our 14 week BC is taken outside a LOT, and we still get up in the middle of the night as well. We've had her just over a month, and we always immediately give treats and praise when she goes outside. Just cleanup if she goes inside, no negative attention. Just wondering about what week or month I can start to expect this to click?

We have a pen set up for her in the living room with her crate inside as well. She doesn't really go in her pen or crate, which is great. But if allowed to roam she is bold and will go right next to you and pee, or poop. On the rug. On the couch. It's been fun! She's so sweet, and she's biting on hands less already thankfully. We're in the thick of it over here.

We moved here recently, and after trying to get up to speed, I have this to say. They need to build a middle school between Mt Airy and Sykesville. If there's no plans for one now, that problem probably won't be fixed by the time my elementary schooler transitions to middle school. Also, vote in the school board elections to try and get M4L out, please. Tired of their shit.

Sometimes she has a real moment, and I have hope, and start thinking "is this the real Scheana? And the rest is an act?". But then the stuff she does on the show is so cringe that I just can't fully commit to that theory.

Hmm. I didn't realize high schoolers could look at DNA under a microscope in the 70s and be able to visually see the differences.

Treat as a stop sign. But I'll wait for only so long. Stopped at one the other day because there was a vehicle already stopped in the oncoming lane with its blinker on and so it was their turn, then mine. And I waited a few seconds. And waited a couple more seconds. They didn't go. So I went after like 10 seconds of standstill and cars waiting behind . Of course I'm half way into the intersection when they got a clue that maybe they should have went and inched out.

In my early twenties I was finally headed home from somewhere in the wee early hours of the morning, maybe 3 or 4am. Roads are pretty dead, not a car in sight. I'm waiting to go straight at a red light in the left lane of a two lane road that crosses over the main highway. Another car pulls up beside me in the right lane to also go straight. A cop car then pulls up behind me. All of us waiting at a red light for 0 traffic. Dude next to me decides he doesn't want to wait anymore and just runs the light, and I realize he never noticed the cop car that pulled up. The light literally turns green right after and the cop car pulls around me with his lights on. Dude pulls over so fast and hard he pulls all the way over into the lawn of some house. Had a good laugh. Fond memory.

So that's why my family always made kielbasa and saurkraut? Didn't know it was a Baltimore thing. And German potato salad. Then again, our ancestors took a boat from Germany to Baltimore and never left the area.

This a new reason I've never heard before for not liking gay people. It's kind of adorable in a naive way.

I think it's a comment on him staying friends with Randall and Sandoval. He'll defend his friends' horrible actions and continue the friendship. Katie's just using hyperbole - he'd defend a serial killer if he was their friend.

Yes this will be very specific. In another life a million years ago, I handled some VA work comp claims. But never for any municipalities, which are treated differently. I do know that work comp is usually considered the exclusive remedy for work injuries so you cannot sue. But there are exceptions for everything, and you can sue separately for gross or malicious negligence, and you can show it.

Also, there's only a week between the first 2 posts. Does that mean it only took a week to interview for new jobs, get selected for one, and have a place lined up to go to a new city?