With daughter number 2 it took me around 3 weeks. I'd worried through my pregnancy that I wouldn't love her as much as daughter number 1 but it crept up on me until one day I was holding her and realised how stupid I had been.

He's stunning🥰🥰🥰

I'm going to watch that episode now, thanks for the heads up x

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7 month old Sully does this and puts his bum so far in the air it ends up in a half forward roll with his bum in my face. Cracks me up every time then he looks at me like 'Whaaaaaaat?'.

Or they ask to try then tell you that you must have great eyesight to see through them🙄

That is so beautiful, thank you 💔

We already went through it just before Christmas when we lost our BC to brain cancer and we can take comfort again in the fact that she is very loved, had a great life and will be out of pain. Eventually, that is, for now we'll just be sad and miss her.

Tomorrow will be her last day.

We thought we were going to lose her to cancer in November and were prepared but it was a false alarm.

I'm grateful for the extra time but she's tired, in pain (arthritis) and just sad.

So today and tomorrow will be about extra food, extra treats.......and extra painkillers.

MacDonalds cheeseburgers first, no need to watch her weight because of her arthritic back legs any more.

We will miss her more than words can express.

I lost a packet of beef koka noodles a fortnight ago and still haven't found them.

Took them out of the cupboard to cook them, put them on the kitchen counter (I thought) then popped upstairs for something, came back and they were gone.

I've retraced my steps but no sign of them. They're not even in the freezer.

Halal slaughter of a camel. It was years ago but I will never forget the camel's agonised screaming.

I'm so sorry💔

You'll never stop missing your baby but it gets somewhat easier. Look after yourself.

To add insult to injury I'm taking my lunch break and the little monster is now asleep on the couch......and snoring🫠



The biggest goobers of all, that's why we love them so much🥰