We are in our mid seventies now retired after a busy and (mostly) successful life. We've d been married 45 years having met in our early twenties and married late twenties. We're living out our "Golden Years". But...our early relationship lasted about 4 years. Suddenly she took off without much explanation and no contact. I was devastated, living like a zombie for 3 years or more. She turned up again, we got married, had a good life as I was determined to do.No financial problems, kids in private schools, travel etc. But recently I have been overtaken with the thoughts of her dropping me like a stone, my sad years without her and then her picking up again for a successful marriage and affluent life that she may not have achieved otherwise. And I have always had the feeling of being second choice or a better option than spinsterhood. She doesn't seem to put much into the relationship and takes a lot. Perhaps retirement leaves me with too much time to think and perhaps I was fortunate to get her back. Do others have these lingering doubts in their later years? Just a rant. Or is it Erica Fromme "Games People Play"