Let's all shed a tear for the billionaires.

So do you think the sky high price increases in some industries combined with their record profits and stock buy-backs are due to some kind of input cost inflation?

They're all victims now. Boo hoo. Let's shed a tear for first family of grifting.

60 something

There were usually trails that went down the property lines in my neighborhood. Neighbors didn't seem to mind.

Wolves sing while coyotes yip mostly.

And many, if not a majority, voted for those policies—tax cuts for the rich, gutting unions and pensions, no universal healthcare, politicians that want to cut social security, etc.

Adults should be expected to own their choices.

The death penalty goes against the whole "better to let nine guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent man" bullshit you hear legal scholars say all the time.

Lifting weights and reading and playing the guitar