Related: I’m concerned if there are longterm drug shortages, like there currently are for some ADHD drugs. 

Has anyone researched or attempted maintenance without these drugs? 

Yeah I wholeheartedly disagree. A scam is not authentic. I think this sub’s support for Bryan and demonization of Rachel has some other roots.

I cannot believe the amount of takes that conclude from HIS filing that that are both shitty partners. What is wrong with this fandom? 

Ya’ll we know this man is a giant grifter. He calls himself Dr. Abs. 

We know Rachel has had nothing but shit at her back from both production and Bachelor Nation and this man KNOWS he is literally feeding tidbits to all the white supremacists or “I don’t see color” Chris Harrison stans out there.

And your take is “I guess they both suck”? 

No. Neither of them have to be perfect for us to easily conclude the vast amount of evidence shows him being a monster for weaponizing the public against her yet again, instead of taking $10K A FUCKING MONTH FOR NO WORK and shutting his mouth. 

And even then he couldn’t get the sentence structure right. Which is fine - but maybe then don’t try to use words like “wordsmithing” as if it’s a gotcha moment.

No question in my mind that Rachel’s “controling” in this context means “didn’t always readily agree.”

He knows stink doesn’t stick to white men in the Bach universe the way it does to women and especially white women. Someone above just called Bryan “authentic.” 

My partner and I use and overuse (? if that’s a concept - use more than the general public) grocery delivery and other delivery services as privileged disability accommodations and I think I understand and support all your points OP. 

I’m applying for disability now but I regularly think of how much more risk I would be in if I 1) did not have an abled partner with a privileged job and 2) had to work a service job. My job prior to disability was telework and I was able to keep it so much longer with my disabilities than if I had to physically be somewhere outside of my home to perform my work.

I would never argue that our use of delivery services isn’t a mix of accommodation and privilege. In a world more supportive of all people, delivery services (like all jobs?) would be worked by people generously compensated who are not at risk for any harm (covid or otherwise) at their jobs. It wouldn’t be a privilege to use delivery services because it would be affordable and accessible to anyone who needs it, and it wouldn’t be fueled by the exploitation of other people.

Some of the imperfect things we do to help get us toward this future and mitigate the harm we’re participating in now is: - listen to and support employees, employee groups and unions in fighting for fair (and hopefully someday generous) working conditions - be thoughtful about which companies we buy from for local control, union protections, and more humane treatment of employees - choose some already-established boycotts and stick with them - provide water & snacks & treats year round outside our house - tip a big amount bc we can afford to - don’t make undue or urgent demands of workers - support local mutual aid efforts  - join and support other local groups fighting for all of our collective liberation - give away money to other people who need it more

Thank you 💖 Sometimes I’m like…am I crazy to be seeing this? It seems so obvious to me.

Yeah he’s not the sharpest (red) crayon in the box.

It sounds like the show was a covid super spreader from another post on here.

And if you can only pick one town, I’d recommend Saugatuck and Douglas for a little semi-artsy town vibe, and Oval Beach which is a great nearby beach.

For sure. But: you deserve to stay alive and avoid debilitations too. So masking is good for you, and for people like me who are high risk.

As someone who lived through the onset of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, watching Biden’s handling of covid gave me sickening flashbacks to George W. Bush’s “Mission Accomplished.” 

It’s so telling that with Biden’s many ongoing terrible acts - supporting Palestinian genocide, letting covid destroy communities and industries, watching as inflation and homelessness soars and the Supreme Court makes the presidency a monarchy - that the thing that is disgusting pundits and the general public alike is that the president appeared disabled on television.

The other man in the debate blatantly lied repeatedly, avoided questions, has skin and hair that is brazenly not human, and remarked about the Palestinians that Israel should “finish the job,” —

but what people cannot abide is that Biden appeared disabled.

This is how much people hate the disabled people.

I disagree about age being a disqualifying trait for leadership or the presidency. There are whole cultures around the globe built around the guidance and tutelage of the elders.

And there are a ton of people who are the same age as Biden that I’d welcome as president - Maxine Waters or John Lewis if he was still alive.

The issue for US politics is not age - it’s white supremacist and capitalist systems of oppression which has only allowed the richest and whitest among us to lead. This has always created - and continues to create - a government that looks nothing like the people it serves. The US government has always been not just older than the general population, but much more white, wealthy, male, cis, hetero and abled. This is the problem. Remove age and it’s still a problem.

I’d welcome a president with cognitive disabilities but a compassionate heart. I’d welcome a president with rest needs throughout the day who saw all of us as humans and not just potential voters and donors.

As of 9ish PM July 4, it looks like around 24 people on here have reported going to the concert and getting covid afterward, including a couple reporting a friend or partner also getting covid.

Which is wild because each infection of influenza has roughly the same risk for adverse impacts, whereas with covid, each new infection presents increased risk for adverse impacts.

I feel like my income is fairly decent and I likewise have far far less than 16K a month and honestly do not know what I would do with that amount.