Component vs library/utility. Separation of concerns.

Hang around single 60 year olds. Suddenly hot property again.

Yep, it is extremely far fetched in comparison to the boring but realistic answer.

Adele easily sells out arenas worldwide. She doesn't have to stoop to gimmicks and risking her career and artistic integrity for a cheesy stunt.

No where in that article or video does it say Adele brought up the topic of pride.

The image on the story is her wearing a pride flag, which should have been a huge clue that she brought up the topic of pride.

That’s a tinfoil hot take. Let’s try again with critical thinking skills:

Because it was June 1st Adele brought up the topic of Pride Month and some asshole yelled out.

No false flags or shadow government required.

Drummer looks like he hits the gym and skips everything day.

Bassist was covering her mouth to hide a big garlic burp from lunch.

Guitarist wanted to be metal but all the devil stuff was too scary.

Singer changes her pronouns more than her underwear.

Best I could do but I feel bad roasting you kids. Y’all look fun.

Ooh, deep Gen X cut. Love it.

Given zero details I’m forced to assume you’ve done almost nothing to try to figure this out yourself.

Why should anyone put in more effort than you on your project?

Come back with information that narrows it down. Right now there are literally a million things that could have gone wrong given “it doesn’t work” as the only clue.

Stop bitching and ping the mod about adding a FAQ to the side bar.

Nine years old clip looks like a scene from a Wes Anderson movie.

Gen X - 50 Something

I think a good parent is owed respect and gratitude. Defining "good parent" is the take-home lesson.

This is my first year at UI in a while.

I know django and did some rails a million years ago. Next feels a lot like those to me, with differences of course.

But yeah, learn React and all the react-based frameworks or libraries make sense.

I wasn’t worried about the verdict. I just doubt sentencing will have any teeth and Americans on the shady side of the bell curve won’t care either way.

Do we really think a presidential candidate using the n-word is something MAGA has a problem with? Shit, they were calling Obama that openly.

The entire US tech sector is fucked up right now, with hundreds of applications coming in for every single decent position. So it may not be your age, just that you're another poor slob like me who was used to getting multiple job offers easily.

I think people are being overly-precise.

You can think of Next.js like Rails or Django and architect your system with that in mind.

The main difference between Next.js and Node-React-SSR is Next.js is more-opinionated, which means you don't have to add in a bunch of your own lirbaries to do the same thing.

Benefit of Next.js is: It is well-documented and you don't have to think too hard about customization.

Downside is: if you like to have control over how everything works, but then you take on the onus for making sure new devs can understand what you set up.

My perspective if Nextjs is comparable to Django and RoR

This is the correct way to look at SSR React style projects. And just like Rails or Django, there are use-cases where you'll want to split out work to external services.

Maybe they have them open during the day for normL shoppers and lock them up during steeling shit prime time?

No doubt that it is a great new tool. I use ChatGPT and other AI everyday as well.

But people are talking like it is going to be “Alexa, Make me an accounting system”.

All it is going to do is free us up to tackle bigger problems. Same as every other advancement.