I, 21M, am a well passing trans man. I'm tall, relatively muscular, short hair and just overall guy-looking. My Grandma passed away recently, and had Alzheimers for quite some time before she died. She often used to not recognise me or ask my mum where [my deadname] was when I was right there. She would sometimes say she'd love to see me again and it was overall painful for the whole family. Before I came out gran used to love picking out dresses for me, and afterwards she moved onto suits.

But when she started forgetting stuff she kept talking about what kind of dresses I like now, what she should get for me, etc. The funeral's next week and I mentioned that I would probably wear the last suit she got for me which was black and a vest just for extra blackness. My cousin looked at me like I'd just said the most ridiculous thing on the planet and she said, 'no, gran would have wanted to see you in a dress' and how I could disrespect her very wishes on such an occasion and what an asshole I am for putting my needs over hers when its her funeral.

I didn't quite know how to respond to that and luckily I was saved by her kids who started making a mess so she went after them. I frankly, think she's being fucking ridiculous. I couldn't pass as a girl if I tried anymore, much less fit into one of my old dresses. I think it would be utterly disrespectful if I showed up in a dress, it would look far too ridiculous/comical for a funeral.

I'm 99.99999999999999% sure I'm not the asshole. I'm genuinely just no longer the build to be in a dress, I'm a grown man, it would be a joke. But just in case I'm missing something, AITA? I don't want to disrespect gran at the funeral but I really think wearing a dress would be more disrespectful.