First off, it is a good thing that you recognize that this is a problem and want to seek help/guidance. Reddit will most likely tell you you're a pedophile groomer who needs to be locked up, so please just go see a therapist. Don't be ashamed and do not wait. Also, occupy yourself with hobbies, busy work, etc.

Lol they annoyed each other this episode--big sibling energy. I wonder if this was the end of a long batch of recording sessions.

Boy, there really is not one single social skill to be found on this website, is there? 

Really?? I thought he was a perfect Lestat! I thought he acted the character very well despite not looking like the way Lestat is described in the books. 

Bette and Tina suck as people. They just…do lol. 

Are you on crack?? Jodi was so much more interesting than Tina. Tina had the personality of wallpaper paste. Jodi was passionate, funny, emotional, fierce, had her own motivations and character, had hobbies and her own friends, and challenged Bette—which is why Bette couldn’t handle her. 

Lol I have a couple of older relatives who still insist on physically going to a brick and mortar location to “do their banking.” They absolutely refuse to ever try online banking and have a deeply paranoid distrust of anything to do with the internet. 

My school district would not allow an 18 year old legal adult to be in 9th grade classes with a bunch of 14 year olds. After falling so far behind, you should’ve been placed on an IEP plan and moved up to your age-appropriate grade, or offered the opportunity to get your GED. That your school is allowing you to repeat the 9th grade FOUR times is bizarre and ridiculous. 

I hate what having kids has turned my brother and SIL intoRANT

First off, I love my brother and his wife, and I adore my niece and nephew. And of course their personalities changed after having kids, it's a huge responsibility and a major adjustment. But they've turned into the most uptight, insecure, controlling people. Me and my parents have to be so careful around them because if we so much as do one thing they perceive to be a challenge to their authority or stepping out of line, we get accused of crossing boundaries and not respecting their parenting. If grandma gives the kids an extra cookie because she doesn't get to see them or spoil them very often, it's "You don't do anything we haven't approved of. You will do what we say or you won't see the kids." They ask for help and ask for family babysitting support, but then heavily micromanage and try to control, and when you try to encourage them to loosen up and just let the babysitter babysit, it's "You will not do one thing your way; our way 100% or the highway." I'm so tempted to tell them that if they have so many uptight rules, maybe I just shouldn't babysit anymore since they're clearly not comfortable, but they don't believe in compromise and I know it would result in me just never seeing them. Everything is a "test" to make sure we jump when they say jump to make sure their "boundaries" are respected, despite my parents doing so much for them. I hate parents of young kids, y'all. I love my family but hate parents of young kids. So fucking entitled and arrogant. Thanks for letting me rant:P

The Christmas right after my brother got back from boot camp, we--me, my siblings and parents--were all together at our parents' house celebrating my brother returning and were so happy to be doing our normal family Christmas traditions from our childhood. Within the next couple of years, my brother had to move because of the military and then got married, and has since had a couple of kids. Between them forming their own family holiday traditions and them living so far away, holidays obviously just aren't the same. I recently came across a photo of us from that Christmas right after he finished boot camp, and it was very bittersweet and nostalgic to realize that none of us knew that that was the last time our core family unit would all be together for Christmas like that again. Gave me a very strong sense of time going by, growing up and growing older, etc.

I LOVED them together, but the writing absolutely destroyed both Cuddy as a character and everything their relationship could’ve been. I’d prefer they just never have gotten together at all rather than what we ended up with. I think Cuddy’s actres was wanting to move on, and her breakup with House began the process of her being written off. 

The whole Ivy affair was a baffling writing choice. 

You could be Muhammad Ali in his prime, but when someone sticks a gun in your face and says “give me your wallet” give them the fucking wallet. 

The issue with this is, many licensing boards for many career friends require an internship. So, companies and agencies know that you need them more than they need you. What’s their incentive to allow interns to work for them if the pitch is “not only do you have to supervise and dedicate more time to this intern than you do your other actual employees, you also need to pay them.” The free intern labor is why many universities/degree programs can even get agencies to agree to take on the responsibility of having an intern on site, especially with the knowledge that that intern may not even choose to stay with your company after graduation. 

“Your kidneys are a doctor’s dream!” —my physician. 

The crazy thing is, the poster asked for feedback and advice, but apparently wasn’t ready for everyone to sympathize with her kids; I think she thought that a heavily biased regretful parent sub would be on her side. 

I don’t think they quite knew what to do with Kit. She became a generic “sassy black woman” when the first 2 seasons had her go through her own storylines, plotlines, growth, challenges, etc. She felt more like her own character. Later seasons just treated her like a peripheral character who’s engagement and purpose in the show depended completely upon the other characters.

I got banned from that sub for gently suggesting to a “regretful parent” that maybe the reason her adult children are so resentful towards her is because she was in active addiction for their whole childhood and only decided to get clean once they’d all grown up. I said that while it’s great that she’s sober now, you can’t just expect the people you hurt to to just forget about it so you don’t have to deal with guilt. Apparently that’s “criticism” and I got banned for it. It’s hateful, toxic, absolutely miserable corner of the internet and honestly good riddance. 

The OP can’t change the title once it’s been posted.