I think you should still go to the baptism. I know your feelings are hurt. If she still means anything to you, try to set your feelings aside. She may be going through some tough things you don’t know about. While being a godparent is special, it is only just a title. You can still be there for your sister and her baby. Good luck!

Maybe a little bit of YTA only bc of how you went about it. 

It’s definitely good you’re wanting to help her make changes. Don’t call it a diet though lol. Just start cooking healthier for the both of you. Try not to buy sugary drinks and snacks for the house. Tell her you want to start going on walks or bike rides every evening and you want her to join you. Healthy living activities can create a special bond between you two. 

I’m 30 and have never colored my hair, mostly due to the upkeep and I just like my natural brunette hair. But I’ve always said I’m going to start coloring it once I go grey bc I don’t want to be grey. Who knows though, if I don’t like the upkeep, I may just embrace the grey. 

I don’t think you, or anyone for that matter, should be concerned about long someone is willing to wait. You should only have sex when you feel like you’re ready. It’ll be a much better experience rather than putting any kind of pressure on yourself if you’re worried about making someone wait. 

This is an exciting time for you! Enjoy dating and getting to know other people!

Do you have cats? lol. All of our cats are outside cats and they have different personalities. One of them purrs regularly. The others rub up against us if they like or want something. Lick us. Sometimes just sit contently next us. 

I like the thought of short hair. I just don’t have the face or build for it. I have broad shoulders that tend to look muscular when I’m consistently lifting, so I feel like I look masculine even when lean. My hair is currently long, but the short hair that I’ve done a couple of times is a long bob or long, subtle a-line that hits at the collarbone. 

I don’t think you should go out of your way to tell her that. I think if she reaches out again, just tell her the truth. You’re doing good and you’d prefer to cut contact so you can heal. Also, let the dog go. I’m sure it’s been hard, but cutting contact will help you heal. 

Before we got a dishwasher, I was the sole dishwasher 😂 

Even now, I have some special dishes, silverware, and china that I refuse to put in the dishwasher. We have extremely hard water and the dishwasher has destroyed our everyday dishes with water stains. 

You sound like a pretty miserable person to be that judgmental about how many loads of laundry someone does. 

If you came up with this on your own, well done 

I’m a woman and my experience is based on the individual, not the gender. It’s actually one of my worst traits that I am working on. 

Only 2 kids right now and I do 1-2 loads a day. That’s between clothes, towels, and weekly sheets if no accidents. 

Please someone post this saying a witness saw her doing this in her TikTok or Instagram comments. She’s awful 

Her kids will never want to go to Disney in their adult lives bc of her.

This is probably the cutest roast I’ve seen

My husband is 5’6” and I’m also right around 5’6”. I’d consider my husband a fairly confident person. Height has never been an issue with him or us and he’s never cared if I’m taller than him in heels. The only times I’ve seen him get quiet or feel shitty is when his asshole stepdad tries to make his height (and even my height saying I’m a giant or an Amazon woman) the core of all his jokes. I do feel for shorter men bc I’ve noticed that makes them easy targets for jokes. 

She’s prepping for her time in hell one day. 

Bc she can never catch a break or be on the winning end. Whatever that bullshit she said a few months ago. 

I never actually thought about it, but it makes sense. The majority of bald men I know have beards or some form of facial hair. I find the bald bearded men attractive. 

“Neither of us want kids” seems straight forward enough. 

Or if you want to be crude and make them confused/uncomfortable “idk, she swallows EVERY SINGLE TIME and it’s still not working”