
Thank you for people who were kind, even if they were telling me harsh truths.

I don’t understand why people need to be so mean though? I’ve never done anything to hurt any of you, but you seem to have so much anger against me for asking advice.

Here’s something that some of you have touched on or mentioned.

  1. We don’t have money worries. He works 20 hours a month because he chooses to, because he gets enough money and doesn’t need more. I have never ever tried to get him to earn money; I literally spend nothing and actively try and save money so that he doesn’t have to work as much. Our house is fully paid off. As is our car.

  2. I work and have worked over the years. I had my own business which I left to move over here to be closer to his parents and his culture and family.

  3. I brought the drama to Reddit because I don’t express it in the other parts of my life. None of our friends or family - except his mother because she was here for one of his outbursts - even know we have any problems. I was taught by my narcissist mother that my emotions and matters don’t concern anyone else, so I’ve learned to keep them inside. So that’s what I’ve done for so long until they’ve exploded. But I’m so afraid of people judging me, or judging my husband, so I came here to strangers.

  4. Someone said Ive found myself an easy ride. Are you joking me? I’ve served this man for nearly 20 years, cooking and cleaning, sacrificing my career so that I could help him go further; building a beautiful family. He doesn’t just get meals, he gets homemade breakfast burritos for breakfast, followed by fresh pasta with prawns and zucchini for lunch, and con salad with fresh sourdough for dinner; all made completely from scratch without even store bought sauces or dressings.

  5. You say I’m tiring and exhausting and selfish. Wow. I never said I was perfect; that’s why I put the background of my story before I said what happened. Not as a pity party but as in this is what’s been happening; so we’ve been having difficult times. I thought maybe people could say something constructive about struggling with illnesses and abuse and how that relates to marital issues - and some of you definitely did, thank you.

  6. I’m not trying to trap him, I’m not trying to exploit him, I’m literally trying to figure out what is making him so upset so that I can make everything better. Or if I can’t, then figure out how to go along with separate lives but co-parenting. But after every fight or him telling me nasty things, I try and then have a discussion about how to do that, and he tells me that’s ridiculous and obviously he doesn’t want out of the marriage. Hence, why I came here to ask wtf.

There’s a lot more to the story, but didn’t know how to phrase it in the title - that’s just the last straw .

I (40f) have been married to my (46m) husband for nearly 17 years. We started off as the perfect couple that everyone envies. He’s British/Italian, I’m American. We married young - I was 23 and he was 29. We’ve moved around the world for each other - first me to the UK, then him to the US, then with our first kid we moved back to the UK for 10 years and now we’ve been in Italy for a few years with both our boys. They are now 11 and 13.

We had a difficult time about 9 years ago. He became very distant, and mean. I tried so hard to make him happy, figure out what was wrong, but he was just so closed. After over a year of some really serious fights, I finally said I’m not doing this if you don’t want this marriage. He took a few days; but then said he was sorry. Things became much much better, but he would never talk about what happened. He would treat me like I was making drama, but I was just trying to understand wtf happened so that we could prevent it. His response was, well, we’re fine now. I said that it really created a dark void in me to know that he could turn and be like that for so long, and I was scared that it would happen again. He just dismissed me and said let’s carry on.

Fast forward to our move to the EU. And it’s gone to shit again.

I’ve been going through a lot of shit recently, mainly healing for what I realised was an abusive and traumatic childhood (narcissistic mother). It’s been really painful and difficult but I’m doing SO much better. Obviously this has had an impact on him, being with someone who is messed up. But I’m trying my hardest and I’ve tried so much to get his support. I’ve tried to talk to him about my triggers, why I feel that way, how he can help me so that I heal and so that my trauma doesn’t affect our relationship. But he either dismisses me or I can tell that he’s really not listening. Or the worst was when I thought we really had a breakthrough, and then the next day he specifically did was I told him was really upsetting to me. And when I was like wtf? He yelled back, you and your stupid triggers.

I also have had some serious health problems. I have some sort of autoimmune issue that we’re trying to figure out (probably rheumatoid arthritis), then I was hospitalised for heart problems earlier this year that are still ongoing. Now I’ve maybe torn meniscus and can’t walk well. I’m trying my hardest but I can’t do much; and I feel like now in these past few years since it’s gotten worse, he’s gotten angrier and angrier because he has to pick up more slack. Let me say though that I still do all the cooking and definitely more than half of the cleaning. He does some dishes, laundry once in a while, and feeds to dogs and chickens.

We fight so often; it’s ridiculous. He wants me to give our dog away because he doesn’t want to put the effort into her because I’m not physically able anymore. He’s always always angry, annoyed with me. He often sleeps on the couch. He never even touches me; hugs, kisses, hand holding, literally anything - let alone sex. He’s always on his phone or his computer. Like SO much. He only bills for about 20hr a month at the moment; but he’s always ‘working’ on the computer.

Yesterday, our son had a really sad moment. He’s very anxious (I wonder why????) and was too scared to go into his elementary school end of school dinner. I was really sad for him, and I went to my husband to just cry a little. Parenting is hard, I want to do the best that I can, and I can’t fix this for my son and I was sad. All I wanted was a little bit of comfort; you know, how a husband and wife should be able to go to each other during difficult parenting moments.

Of course, there was no physical comfort nor emotional. As usual; he didn’t stop what he was doing to look at me or acknowledge me, was just talking to the wall while he was doing dishes (dishes that had been there for three days but of course were all of a sudden important).

It set me off and I was like, why can’t you just be there for me? For our child? Like this is a big deal. It turned into another huge fight. I’m dramatic. I feed off of all this. Blah blah blah. I finally said to him, what the hell, what is a marriage even supposed to be? What do you even want from me?

That’s when he responded ‘dinner on time.’ Like wtf? I yelled and called him an insensitive asshole. I understand that’s not a nice thing to say; but this is just relentless. And his response after that was, ‘Let’s just get through this, for the kids.’

So, I took that as him saying that our marriage isn’t important, he doesn’t care about me anymore, that this is all a sham.

I left it for the night because the kids came down. I cooked them dinner; I could eat because I was too upset. I went upstairs and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up crying, I feel like my beautiful life that I’ve worked to build for my family is just a whole sham. I tried to talk to him again, to just say please be honest with me. Please tell me if you’ve found someone else. Please tell me if you don’t want me anymore; because I can’t handle this.

Again, he told me that I’m always making drama, he just wants an easy life. I asked how do I make it difficult for him? I’ve supported his career; literally for him accepted for an MBA program (wrote his entrance papers and applications for him), helped him apply to jobs over the years; helped him negotiate double the salary because I kept telling him he was worth more. I’ve carried and raised his children, cooked every meal for him and fucking serve it to him while he’s sitting there readying his phone or watching tv. Everything I do is to try and make his life better or easier? He didn’t answer.

When we were dating, he would always say that the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. But he won’t love me and he won’t work toward making our relationship better. It’s killing me inside. It’s affecting our children, as he himself said it would. I don’t see how there’s any other option to break up, but now I love in a foreign country with no income of my own, no family, and no friends.

Am I overreacting?