Why is it always worse than we think.. that’s how it’s ended up for me every time I had “that feeling”. Only when the truth was exposed? It was way more than I thought

Idk i remember being told to be silent about my dads gf being Jewish to his German friend. I was 9. She was the one requesting this and I didn’t know why so she explained antisemitism to me.

I couldn’t tell she was any different looking from us. As a matter of fact I was a grown adult before it dawned on me that all her ya ya friends ( this was her long time gf friend group they were like aunts to me) that’s what I called them were all Jewish too. Some are blonde blue eyes, she was Brown eyes brown curly hair but I gave Scottish welsh cousins darker than that. You guys aren’t that detectable as a race and it’s kin not skin. Your bloodline is underneath stop adapting to the worlds swerve w the anti white sentiments. It’s just as bad as anti semitism.

I am telling you right now. Put your foot down and do it now! You are in the right HE IS IN THE WRONG! Do you want him to drag you down with him?? Because that’s what could happen next. The world makes sooo many excuses for alcoholics and the person either them takes the blame. We’re the party poopers. We’re lame. You know what? Get over the name calling or lose a big chunk of your life. Tell him it’s the booze or you. If he doesn’t get help? Leave him!!! I can’t stress it enough. I wasted years of my life either a bank full of bad memories from being with one. I know every ploy, every game and every excuse and yes I’ve cleaned plenty of sheets and had to buy new mattresses whst a waste of life. In my case? I was going to have him marchman acted and divorce him. It wasn’t going to be my fault and I wasn’t going to watch him die. I did almost see it bc I let it go too long.

In this case? He did get straight. Still us today. BUT all the threats in the world meant nothing. It wasn’t until I was actually DOING IT did he straighten out and do it immediately. If he hadn’t? He’d be divorced with half his retirement and everything else, probably not around.. I must say it’s been a few years.

He’s the happiest he’s ever been now and so am I. My only regret? Wasting all those years being a doormat for the alcohol. It will steal as much as you let it Good luck!

If I was your mom I’d just say no problem. You can do this yourself, see you in a couple months then. Oh yes you’re an AH but I like your Mom. 👍

I don’t even watch your stupid Olympics. As the rest of the world catch on you’ll become so irrelevant as you perform either no one there to watch or applaud.

Yes since you asked you are a total AH.

You established that in the beginning with your honesty re your affair but made excuses to why it happened, youve never were sorry and I’m sure it wasn’t the only time. Just the time you were caught.

You are the victim in your own story as you tell us of your recent loss ( trying to establish you are capable of sadness?) but are unable to empathize with your child, she was a child when you made these decisions that affected everyone, and now that she’s an adult had time to heal and process she reached out to YOU and has initiated healing.

However, YOU are the injured and offended party, again “ the victim in your own story” and want strangers on the internet to validate your hard heart you have towards your daughter.

lol you’re a horrible person. Maybe you should find a page with titles like disassociation forums and undiagnosed adult adhd or autism to connect with so you can self diagnose as others do and lay blame on anything else. A mirror is obviously the scariest thing to you but let me hold it up for you.

You were a failure as a husband and you’re a failure as a father.

The one thing I will give you credit for is that you’ll stay out of her life now.

You’re very toxic and Atleast you let her know who you really are. Now hopefully she’ll believe it and heal one last time from your moral injuries you inflict upon others.

They put Cyrus on a pedestal and call him the anointed one in the Torah in Isaiah. Other than that I saw that Netanyahu compared Trump to Cyrus in 2018 and he has his face on a coin there. Trump claims he’d win there w a 100 vote if he ran there. If that’s true that’s quite a pedestal. I’m not political so pls don’t bother offering me opinions about either party im for none, this is only re the question. So in short it seems to me he’s on a pedestal there.

Omgosh yes! I have no idea where they’re getting their diagnosis and I think they’re making **** up to waste our time. Stopped answering the requests they’re ridiculous

You don’t need a reason! He’s disgraceful for trying to make you! Gthoh! Leave him!

You need to see a psychiatrist not just a therapist. Therapists are ok for chatting but this sounds like mania and you’re in a manic episode. You will be disassociated during one and the traits you describe are eerily similar. You need to get to a doctor and I’m not one but I think you’ll get put on a mood stabilizer and if you’re on antidepressants ( which untrained people like nurse practitioners and reg doctors that aren’t trained psychiatrists write like candy) you may need to get off those asap. Real question: How are you sleeping?? If you aren’t getting Atleast 6-7 hrs a night minimum you need to go asap. The worst life decisions are often made in this state of mind and you’ll feel NOTHING while you destroy yourself and everyone else around you UNTIL you come down from this.

This relationship is very toxic. Both of you are manipulating eachother, I hope you stop seeing eachother as stated but you’re probably already back together

Okay I think I understand better now. You say things you don’t realize are rude as hell and then wonder later after losing friends if there’s another explanation better than it’s your personality. 

No it’s not that deep. What we’re talking about on this forum generally is something else. My opinion re your friendship is: let her go. Yes, you guys went over you not bringing it up, but You forgot and did. So what? Give yourself some grace. I know it hurts when someone rejects us but sometimes they just aren’t for us. Keep moving along and you’ll find your tribe. She isn’t it. I don’t like her already this was really not a capital crime. God bless

I’m not trying to start a fight but you mentioned your autoimmune issue and not being about to care for a dog? Are you on any type of pain prescription? I sense there’s more going on here and his frustration is beyond the dinner time.

It doesn’t have to be an event. Do you have any ticks or other movements that are involuntary? Either way you need to speak with your psychiatrist and imo a neurologist bc many times this has more to do with neuro pathway disturbances formed in your formal years. You simultaneously may make adrenaline or other hormones associated with fear. Some cause seizures.

I hope it doesn’t damage you guys. Porn is really bad.. I wish he didn’t watch it and it was ALL behind you. He needs to NOT see it if you tell him. That would be devastating..

I have never felt like the worlds a very safe place and for those reasons I choose to be in my home bc I feel safe there. Happy but home. I go out for things, I don’t like to at night and I don’t like it t be long periods of time. Most of its fine but sometimes something will wig me out and just like that I feel my self start sweating and my heart pounding. I get to my car as soon as I can. It’s time for me to go home. It’s just how I am but overall I feel I live a very blessed life and this is a rare inconvenience. God takes care of me.

Idk what to do, but until you figure it out, clean the toilet w both their toothbrushes. It’ll make you feel an ounce better.

I’m going to get lambasted for this but here goes. When is time to ask if you’ll consider the Biblical prophecy regarding these things? I will never turn away from supporting Israel or the Jewish people I know that God isn’t slack in His promises and His covenant, but everything is unfolding exactly as written. Will there be a time His chosen look back at the messiah Jesus Christ with a second look?

I’ll ask the first thing the dr does at the beginning of every session. How are you sleeping? Whenever you see yourself sliding into a “change” the first thing you should look at is if there’s any change in your sleep patterns. Traumatic experiences like deaths or even big changes that are good like birth of a new baby that causes interruptions of sleep can trigger some imbalance. All which can lead to our problems without a “natural” cause like we can point out easily.

Yes that happens to me. I’ve went away.. sometimes I forget the whole thing

No we need you. Don’t take this wrong I prob shouldn’t share it (it’s an inside joke) but I’ve used the saying MANY times “I NEED A JEW!” Now admittedly I’m usually kidding and I’m calling one of my oldest friends and one I do business with for over 25 years now to ask for advice on something. And yes she always knows the answer. She thinks it’s funny when I say it..