Earlier today, I was out doing some gardening when my neighbor (we'll call her Amanda) across the street came home from doing some shopping. We're not super close, but occasionally she'll decide to come over and chat. Today was one of those days.

Normally, Amanda is very pleasant and we just talk about our families, but today she wanted to vent. Her 14-year-old son (we'll call him Tom) has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. There were telltale signs from infancy, according to her, and he had been getting therapy and specialized help in school, but apparently due to budget cuts, he's no longer getting the help he needs. I felt bad for Amanda, but there wasn't really much I could do. I was on my hands and knees covered in dirt, and even if I had been clean and well-dressed, I'm not a psychological expert.

I told Amanda that I felt so sorry for her whole family, and she thanked me, but she took a lot of offense at what I said next. I said "Hopefully, modern science will find a cure for this horrible disease." Amanda sort of gasped and took a step back. She had a look of disbelief on her face, as if she wanted her son to have autism. She said that I had been "really offensive" by referring to autism as a disease and that Tom was actually "proud" of his autism. I smiled and nodded and said "of course he is." I had seen plenty of Tom's meltdowns and weird hand-flapping before. Believe me, there is nothing to be proud of, and her attitude about his condition was beyond delusion.

Amanda, however, quickly ended the conversation and went into her house. She seemed very put out with me. When my daughter got home from school and I told her what happened, she was shocked. She's a few years older than Tom and said that I had been "completely insensitive." I'm really at a loss here. When I was growing up, having a mental disorder was something that nobody wanted. I understand that some autistic people can learn languages in a few days or do really hard math problems in their heads, but Tom had no special talents, as far as I could tell. It's hard to imagine him working, and if he does, it will probably be for minimum wage.

At this point, I'm sure my wife will berate me, too, and I really don't want another round of mistreatment. It feels like I'm the only one who's willing to be honest sometimes, and it really frustrates me how much people want to pretend like everything's fine sometimes. If any of my kids had autism, I would be praying for a medical breakthrough so that they would be able to make some friends, at least. I'm just so tired of being crapped on for being the voice of reason. AITA?