NTA. One of these days that lady is going to end up doing this with a dog who isn't friendly and she'll probably take it out on the owner even though she's a pushy asshole who can't take no for an answer. wtf is wrong with some people?

It's Emma with Spinner. And the one after them is Mia and Lucas(Jane's brother and Mia's daughter's dad)

I have seen peoples reaction to it and most people laugh about it because it's funny.

Captain Jason is my boat daddy

So go to a strip club if you want to see people take off their clothes for your entertainment

No you're not overreacting. What she said was really stupid, not even true, and incredibly disgusting. There are some things that just should not be joked about and this is absolutely one of them

My sister-in-law has a license plate frame that says if you're not pulling my hair stop riding my ass

Captain Jason is my boat daddy

Yeah Ellie gives me "pick me" vibes

Captain Jason is my boat daddy

Plus there are places where people willingly take off their clothes for money if that's what one is into watching

She most likely wouldn't have acted any different if you had said you were on crutches she probably would've said something like "oh that's not my problem hurry up"

:pan: Pan-cakes for Dinner!

Trans men don't fit their bullshit agenda about protecting kids or the "sanctity of masculinity" or whatever tf it is they're so upset about

Captain Jason is my boat daddy

You find it entertaining to watch people change their clothes?

Captain Jason is my boat daddy

I've always been a little weirded out by how much the cameras show them in their cabins. I feel like they should be allowed a little bit more privacy than just the bathroom. I get keeping them mic'd but do we really need to see them in their underwear all the time

Boyfriend or girlfriend sounds completely juvenile if you are in a long-term mature relationship and have shared property together. We are not children. We got together in our mid 20s and are now in our early 30s

Again, this is a you problem that you really need to work on yourself. Even if it's not your preference the fact that you get so pissed off about it is nobody else's issue but yours

Also don't try to backtrack and say that you weren't attacking me when you literally were. You were making stupid assumptions about my relationship based on the way I choose to refer to my fiancé. You do realize that people have been calling their significant other their partner for decades?

I can only speak for myself but I don't do it every single night. Only on days where I have a really really big lunch or I just don't have much of an appetite. Which isn't very often.

Honestly if I were in your shoes I would be taking steps to legally evict this roommate simply for looking at my private paperwork. That is an invasion of privacy and absolutely none of his business. That's good that he's moving out. You'll get your privacy and peace of mind back and he will learn a lesson about how good he had it with you.

I live in a shitty little town on the southern coast in Oregon and $1000 a month is the going rate for a studio apartment out here. And they're tiny, like 300-400 square feet

NTA. Sounds like your sister needs therapy and your mom needs to accept that and get her the help she needs

Right because abuse is always the answer when it comes to dealing with kids /s

First off we're engaged so no he's not my boyfriend. And even before we got engaged we were living together we had shared property and pets together and were very much more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. We had a partnership.

The fact that you get so pissed off about that is 100% a you problem that you should really work on.

I always thought he was cute when I was a teenager but he definitely grew up to be a handsome man

The only ones I haven't tried are Mexican Cola, Mango, Guava and Tamarind but the ones I have tried were all amazing. I can't really pick a favorite because I love them all

It took me so long to realize too, don't worry🤣🤣 I was partway through season one of Ginny and Georgia and randomly decided to look up the cast list and was shocked. I knew I had recognized him from somewhere though

I had my fiancé drive behind me and tail me to see how badly my rear windshield cleaner would spray and I got his truck pretty good. Haven't had to do it to anyone yet though, most people in my area are stupid enough to pass on a double yellow if they get mad enough and I just slow way down to let them get back in front of me when they do

When I had roommates that's what I did as well. I couldn't get anyone else to clean up after themselves when it came to the kitchen so I would just wake up about two hours before everybody else in the morning(it was still like 8am since my roommates never woke up until at least 10am) and completely clean the kitchen and do all the dishes for the day.

Thankfully now I live with just my partner and he is incredibly helpful when it comes to keeping the kitchen clean. I don't even have to ask him to do the dishes, he just sees that there's dishes in the sink that need to be done and does them

Saying that something is straight gas is similar to saying something is fire. It means it's really good