Me (34F) and my husband (37M) live in a house with our 3 kids. We also live with my husband's mom who caretakes for my husband's friends daughter (3F) Her mom said that she had a traning for 2 weeks in april and its been more than that amount. She texted me that for her new job she needed his mom to take care of her daughter and we agreed for the 2 week time period and we agreed that for 2 weeks she could drop her daughter off at our house. My daughter (12F) is also very annoyed because she keeps getting bothered by her and asks for her skincare and stuff. Also my brother came (35M) and he is renovating the room where he will be staying for two months and her daughter has asthma so she will get very sick if she stays for any longer. We are starting to go more places for the summer and my husbands mom wants to go too but she can't because she has to watch her daughter. Me and my husband finally made the decision to give her two weeks to find somewhere else, and she got mad and then just blocked me and its making me feel like ITAH and her daughter is so sweet so we felt bad making this decision.