The postal service is a mess wherever you are and to top it off it’s getting expensive with no improvements

It’s not siding with OP it’s letting OP realize there’s much more wrong with this family dynamic than just childhood squabbling and all the children are affected. Focusing only on the 7yr old is part of the problem. She retaliated for the ongoing actions of the 6 yr old that no one in that family is taking responsibility of. He’s a terror but the 7 yr old went too far. This happens when you reach the end of your rope and you finally say enough is enough.

Ha you’re asking a lot. Even in the US they offer options that aren’t applicable to the situation. Mail enters distribution email gets sent. Mail carrier gets the mail for the day, ends route, checks changes. Since they aren’t available when they sorted the mail the rescheduled mail gets delivered anyway. Life moves on. Sadly it’s the rest of us who get frustrated because mail goes missing and it takes extra time to file a lost package report. Now that they have proof of delivery it’s even harder to prove you didn’t get it. At least you have confirmation of the rescheduled delivery. Good luck.

If that’s a corner the damage is from cars hitting that curb when turning in addition to the poor workmanship.

It was probably out for delivery when you changed the delivery date. Postal workers see those when they’re stocking the mail truck/bag. They wouldn’t see the change until they finish the deliveries for the day and your package was already delivered.

You put the 4 yr old in therapy to help him learn to cope with the fear he undoubtedly has when he’s around the bully. That will help him when he goes to school and he knows this behavior isn’t normal and he shouldn’t accept being treated that way. Therapy for children is vastly different than for adults.

I work in the deli and I had this guy ask to see the roast beef he actually reached his hands out to grab the entire piece before I even sliced it. He then asked to see something else every time he reached out to grab it. I had to tell him he couldn’t touch it unless he was buying the entire piece uncut. He looked so confused. Like why would you grab an uncut deli ham from the person who’s wearing gloves. Other customers were telling him he can’t touch it. I didn’t even have it close enough for him to grab it but he was trying to. I just stepped back so there was no way. Then I took cheese out of the case and he was like let me see it. I stood 5 ft from the case edge on my side so there was no way he could grab it. Was he never taught you see with your eyes not your hands?

All those children need therapy for different reasons. 4 year old on how to deal with the family bully for his safety and mental health moving forward, the 7 yr old so she can learn to control her rage, the 6 yr old for being a bully to others. The parents however won’t do this because look how bad it already is. Husband has to protect child from the nephew at every family gathering. Just don’t go no matter the event if you have to be on guard duty. The family is AH’s for letting the 6 yr old be feral. The 7 yr old is at the end of her rope with dealing with her cousin. Makes you wonder if she was the victim before he turned his sights on the brother.

Actually OP was watching her son she was the one who rescued him from the pool when she witnessed her nephew throw him in the adult pool. The daughter retaliated instantly and with purpose. Nothing short of extreme will deter a bully from doing it again. She made sure he remembered to leave her brother alone. I feel for her future BF who does her dirty.

Per the story she was rescuing the 4yr old and getting him settled. She was going to speak to her sister when she heard the screams and her daughter drowning the 6yr old. The problem here is the bully is finally getting his just desserts and everyone thinks he’s the one that needs an apology. Had OP not been watching the 4 yr old he could’ve drowned. The daughter just let the nephew know what it felt like to be her brother. The sister who doesn’t discipline her child wants to smack her niece. Maybe if she kept an eye on her own son to be sure he wasn’t a terror he wouldn’t have been in this situation. This just means OP doesn’t go to family gatherings for the safety of her own children. I bet the nephew leaves both cousins alone or steps up his game to get even.

NTA if this bully is her BF who knows how it’ll turn out in the future. What if they become more permanent? If OP funds her education and ignores his son’s feelings and trauma then that would be wrong. This bully could be in the family for a while. This now means every time there’s an event OP needs to ask if the bully will be there. This also means they will lie to get your family to join in. Have a backup plan always. Don’t engage just gather your family and leave no words needed.

Those who want you to still pay for the nieces education, counter with who’s going to pay for Shaun’s on going treatment? Which has had a setback and will continue as long as the bully is part of the family in any capacity since it’s still traumatizing to him. He nearly died twice once by the bully and one because he was tormented. No amount of money would let me fund something that would hurt my child in any way.

Those same people would complain to corp if the store was closed. This is why those stores/restaurants are open on holidays.

The rules for the string lights would be in the holiday decoration section of the CV&R’s or Rules. Usually they can only be up for short periods of time and if they haven’t been removed then they are in violation of the rules. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t notified in the past it’s still a violation and not subject to a grandfathered clause.

Been there. Sometimes I don’t realize they are actually talking to me until they are staring waiting for an answer. My response is sorry I didn’t hear any of that could you repeat from the beginning? Either they will or it’s wasn’t important enough to repeat. Some people just start talking to the room and assume everyone is hanging on their every word. Don’t worry if they want to speak to you they will be sure you’re paying attention because they’ll get tired of retelling their story, instructions, etc.

It won’t last that long the new ones aren’t built that way. If you get 10 years it’ll be a miracle.

Sister should apologize for trying to take the spotlight that OP paid for. Mom isn’t keeping the peace she’s encouraging the drama the sister creates. Glad OP had a beautiful day. NTA and don’t apologize you did nothing wrong.

OMG this is so true. My ex would go on some rant and his face would get red and the vein on his forehead would get noticeable. So I would notice it and I couldn’t even concentrate on whatever he was saying. He would get madder and louder that vein would then start to pulse next thing I knew I was giggling. I have no idea what he was yelling at I started full out laughing. He asks what are you laughing at? Not thinking just popped out I said you. He gets even madder spittle going everywhere I’m at the point I’m laughing so hard I have tears I can’t talk all I can do is point. My son comes out to see what’s so funny, not why dad was yelling because that was part of for the course. He looks at me then his dad frowns then his eyebrows show his realization of the pulsing vein. He starts laughing ex asks what’s so funny my son says the vein on your head is so big it looks like a snake and I think it should be called Dave. Ex just looked at us and went outside yelling. Daughter comes out and son tells her the vein now has a name and it’s Dave. They were 11 & 9 at that time. We were watching the original Total Recall with the mutant they both laughed and said hey he has a Dave too only his has a whole head.

Kids wouldn’t visit him for 18 months when they were 14 & 12 but they sent holiday cards to Dave. When he had GF’s they didn’t care for they asked her if she has met Dave and would laugh. Kids say Dave doesn’t show up when they visit, they’re in their 20’s now. When we were having custody issues the kids told their guardian ad litem they wouldn’t visit if Dave was there. The judge ordered that Dave couldn’t be present during visitation because his presence was harmful to the kids. Needless to say Dave showed up in court minus the yelling. I had to tell the judge Dave wasn’t a person, which is why Dave was in court that day ex was so mad.

Looks like they boxed up the leftovers while high and just put them in the first door they found,

Look at all the side effects for that medication. I had to take it 3x a day, it was awful. I could only take it once a day and it was still bad. By the third day I was a totally different person and not in a good way. I refuse to take it anymore and asked for something else. Make sure you give the proper dosage, that’s super important.

So now you pay more for less. If I’m paying rent I don’t mind using the portal but sometimes you need to speak to the office. Basically they are saying give me your money. We only care about prospective residents once you become a resident don’t speak or look in our direction.

ETA this entire outing was discussed and planned in a group chat which OP and dog person were both members of. Obviously dog owner, who voluntarily made the reservation, let everyone know the where and when. Why didn’t he mention he made the reservation for the patio? Like hey the res is for 7pm, Thursday at The Brewery on the patio. That wasn’t so hard now was it. Everyone showed up, dog man with 3 dogs and his friend with another, so that’s 4 dogs, after everyone else. OP moved the reservation inside because he didn’t want to eat and drink around the dogs. When dog man as surprised they were sitting inside he had to go outside with his friend and the 4 dogs. The group split into two groups the ones who didn’t want to be outside and the others who didn’t want to leave dog man and friend outside alone. OP also said the outing broke up soon after since everyone felt awkward since there were two groups.

Making a unilateral decision about bringing pets to a social event without mentioning it to the entire group so they could have input or changing the reservation for the same reasons. The devil is in the details. I love my pets but I understand that may not be the same for everyone and having a night out wouldn’t include my pets. Now going to the same pub/brewery with my SO or close friend with the intent of sitting on the patio with my dog. I’ve done it. Hey I’m going to the pub with Fido want to join? That’s how it’s done don’t spring your pet on anyone let alone 4.

Excursions and how they would be handled should have been discussed well before the vacation. I understand the issue but no matter how you slice it you will be wrong unless you cough up the amount they agreed on and move on. It’s not going to go your way. I would however ask how meals will be handled if it’ll be the same. That’s a valid question.

Get a seatbelt guard they slip over the belt and it won’t rub your neck. I have to use one because I have double whammy short and big chest.

He just needs to suck it up because it’ll end up with him pouting about the cost or being left out. He needs to get with the program this is the way wife’s family does things. If he doesn’t like it he can opt out of family vacations but will need to acknowledge that his wife may still participate without him.

This should’ve been discussed and paid for before the vacation, not days before. Then he’s going to bring it up during the trip. That boat has sailed literally. The fee for the boat excursion should’ve been included in the original share price so everyone was paying what they agreed on. But to have OP bring this up on the trip that some will have to pay more than they planned isn’t cool. Why did he wait until days before to complain? Did he set up the excursion? If not then pay what you’re told or don’t go with them. His wife will pay the amount and he will be staying at the hotel or cottage. These things need to be addressed when planning and before the final payment is made. Not dropping the bomb days before departure or while on vacation. Not everyone can drop a couple of hundred on short notice.