might be cooked tomorrow

okay this is kind of ap adjacent so im gonna hope i can post it here. anyways so basically i am in french 3 as a sophomore. ap french at my school is the equivalent of french 6 meaning that i would get there in 3 more years. big problem with that: i am not going to be in high school anymore so like! that does not matter! but my french teacher decided on her own volition that i might be ready to skip french 4 so i could take 5 as a junior and ap as a senior. and tomorrow i have a test to see if i can do that! so!!! we gotta hope i can cook!!! cause if i don't i can't take ap french and also that's just like really embarrassing for my dignity or whatever. and i know what you might be thinking "all this for ap french of all classes???" but like french is like the perfect class i need for a more chill senior year while still taking aps when im gonna be taking shit like ap chem and ap lit at the same time. cause french is on the easier side of things for me so like... we up hoping. i need to do good tomorrow or no ap french πŸ˜”

apush, calc ab, apes, psych, and lang πŸ™πŸ™ potentially self studying music theory and bio if the delusion doesn't wear off by next year

ap world was surprisingly light

i swear they've been training us on significantly harder practices in class because that because i did NOT need to be so stressed out about that. i don't think you'd even need to take the course to do the mcq or dbq

literally. cooked on the frqs but the mcqs cooked me

the ivies are actually wild for not accepting u but nonetheless congrats on duke πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

she's not special jojo did all of this in karmaΒ 

:lover: i lover this album 😁

u/zparkely's bingo results:
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:lover: i lover this album 😁

she is really going ham with those drug references HELP

guys taylor smith makes a lot of money though and money is green and green means environment. so that means she's good for the environment. take that liberals 😍😍

name it RedRedRed that would be really funny i thinkΒ 

i second this!! all of the music is so mesmerizing

please stand in the corner and think about what you did

girl... no... im a taylor swift fan and even i know she is nowhere near fiona lyrically 😭

You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes

back to december has to be unanimous guys 😭

hey so it's been a hot minute since ive been in the conlang community but i kind of want to get back into it. only problem is i have absolutely no inspiration or projects that really require one so my return to it is a bit stalled. any tips?

9 APS????? how do you even manage 😭

is 5 APs too much?? how to cut down???

hey so ive been planning out my next year in terms of classes and realized that i plan to take 5 AP classes which seems kinda like a lot?? im taking 2 AP classes this year and it's a lot of work but im managing. the problem is i can't think of what APs i would reasonably be able to cut out. AP psych and AP environmental both line up with what im considering pursuing in university, and AP lang is a class that i genuinely want to take. and those 3 are fine, i think i could definitely manage 3. the two AP classes im currently taking are AP precalculus and AP world, so logically i should advance to AP calc ab / AP stats and APUSH. i don't particularly want to take them, but i also don't want to look like i just gave up on the AP course progression 😭. any advice?

id love to hear more about this tbh!!

did u hear her covert narcissism she disguises as altruism like some kind of congressman 😍😍😍

the good place and taylor swift!! mixing some of my favourite things