Just came to say that I’m so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. I hope that whatever you choose to do next, if anything at all, brings you some peace. You are brave for having gone through all of this.

I went on a work trip alone the day after my retrieval and it was totally fine. I retrieve max 7 eggs though, so I had no OHSS risk. The only thing is that for me 3-5 days after retrieval I start getting super bloated. But other than that I’ve always been fine.

Another couple times I went away (by car) the night of the egg retrieval and went on a very very gentle hike the next day.

Good luck

I’m in a similar position. I am into my 5th and final ER, at least for now, hopefully for good. For me it was helpful to know how many embryos I wanted banked and by when I wanted to stop ERs. I have a holiday coming up and so that was my deadline. I got super lucky to have just reached the minimum number of embryos I wanted to bank so if anything comes from this cycle it’ll be a bonus.

I very much relate to what you are saying with this being your life, I have been in this cycle of fertility treatments first with IUI then pregnancy/MMC then IVF for 11 months. I don’t even remember what life before was like. I am even scared to go back to life before, then again I’m going for transfer in 2 months so that’ll be another whirlwind.

This to say I hear you, you aren’t alone feeling like this. I hope we can all take our lives back at some point soon.

{Ugly Love} by Colleen Hover. Steamy, complicated characters, I loved the perfect way in which the author narrates seemingly small details. I still remember things like the MMC touching the FMC knee in a scene. I read it 3 years ago and I vividly remember how I felt. Loved it.

I just finished {People we meet on vacation} and loved it. The MMC is crazy about FMC. A couple years ago I read {Ugly Love} and that was a little more twisted. I’m now looking for something similar..

I totally agree that some of the burdens will always be on us. I found truly fascinating that the exact same reasons lead us to opting for opposite solutions.

The human brain is so interesting. For those exact reasons I want a girl. I tell myself that the more girls we get to a position of influence in society, the more we can create the world in a way that serves us and doesn’t penalise us. Of course I know that this is more of a philosophical argument and that one more girl is probably not gonna have drastic impact, but I like the idea of contributing to a better world personally and hopefully through motherhood.

As others already said, I wish I went in with as little expectations and plan as possible. And knowing that it was likely going to be hard at times, but that everything passes.

My tests were “good” in the grand scheme of things and I thought, based on what my dr said, that in one cycle I’d have enough embryos for 2 kids. I’m about to enter my 5th cycle, and hopefully I’ll have enough embryos for two kids then.

I think my journey has been pretty smooth all things considered, but because I went in with a strict timeline and high expectations it crushed me.

Best of luck!

I have had a pretty similar experience. It’s horrible and disgusting that we are put in this position.

I only told my boss that I was going through some medical issues and had occasional appointments. I had a pretty complicated miscarriage, which took two surgeries to resolve (hopefully, still have more checks to do), followed by 4 IVF rounds, going into my 5th. It’s been a challenging 6–9 months.

Shortly after telling him I had medical issues (only because I have had to take some time off for appointments and surgeries), I got a negative performance review that was 90% around my medical issues. It’s been downhill from there.

I find it extremely hard to concentrate, especially around the miscarriage and the first couple of cycles. My performance suffered, but not at all to the level that they claim.

I am in a similar boat as you. I’m super tight lipped, fully hide how I feel and I am desperately looking for a new job. But as you say the market is very tight. I don’t have any word of reassurance, just that I wish we were in a society that was set up for us women to succeed. It’s exausthing having to constantly fight for everything and dealing with the challenges we have in private.

You are not alone 🤗

Same here, I keep having negative and pessimistic thoughts that things won’t work out.

Then in my last IVF cycle I was fed up of being constantly down, and every time I thought about the negative outcome I forced myself to think “what if it went well”, and imagined what a positive outcome would look like. As a coincidence my last cycle went better than all the others! I genuinely don’t think that my thoughts had any impact at all of course, but it was refreshing to be able to think positively for a few minutes before the anxiety and negativity kicked back in.

I was saying to my husband last night, I don’t even feel like myself anymore. Every day is just about making it to the next. This journey is having major impact on work, I’m tired by the constant appointments and the anxiety of waiting for the next update, and the injections are one extra hurdle to having somewhat of a social life. It’s quite depressing. But as someone said, hopefully this is going to make the transition to parenthood, when we get there, easier.

Got it. I don’t know if they operate outside NYC but Alto Pharmacy should do compounding too. They are all online, have an app, etc. I use insurance with them.


I don’t have donor sperm so I can’t comment on that. However in my first IVF I had 0 euploid, and not great blast rate. The second and third IVF (back to back) I had drastically better rates:

2nd: 2 eggs retrieved (changed protocol and it didn’t work) - 100% fertilisation, 100% blast, 50% euploid

3rd: 7 eggs retrieved (changed protocol again and it did work) - 100% fertilisation rate (1 3pn, 1 1pn that turned out euploid) - 66% blast rate - 50% euploid.

This is only to say that in my case, as I saw with IUIs too, it takes a while for the body to start being receptive. Both my IVF and IUI first cycles were worse than subsequent ones.

Good luck

Similar process here, but I’m still in the middle of it. I have my 4th ER today, and plan to do a final ER after this because I won’t get my PGTA on time. I did all of them back to back. Insurance covered my ERs and I have a relatively low meds co-pay. I self pay PGTA. This plays a role in the decision.

I would say it depends on your history and goals. If I sent 3 embryos I’d expect to have 1 euploid back, as my egg quality isn’t the best. And I want to bank enough for 2 kids, so I’m hoping for 4-5 embryos. Good luck!

Confirming, my clinic doesn’t do priming. FWIW I had 4 IVF cycles all starting stim on day 2, no priming.

I have to use Carelon RX and they compound. I think this is national I don’t know where you are based so hard to tell about local pharmacies

Fair enough. I keep telling myself that with unassisted pregnancies you don’t know PN, chromosomes, etc. Still, I hope we find more evidence of success with these embryos.

OMG really?! The idea of doing an amnio is really scary. Did he explain why the NIPT wouldn’t be good enough?

I will, please do the same. I spoke again with my dr and she wasn’t concerned. The lab at my clinic checks at one point in time so it could be that it was a late developer or that the 2nd PN wasn’t visible.

I want to hope she’s right but success stories would be amazing ✨

This is such great news! I got similar good news after my 3rd retrieval, while in cycle for my 4th, and it takes so much the pressure off!!

Congrats and good luck!

Bumping, anyone has any experience with 1pn euploids?

Thank you, I had no idea that it wasn’t standard to know the detail embryo by embryo. Let’s see how it goes if I end up transferring this embryo in a few months!

I read on a research paper and on a post here that it can happen, but I haven’t found any evidence of this yet.

My clinjc said that the risk with 1PN is that they have only one set of chromosomes, but because mine came back euploid than it’s suitable for transfer. She said that it could be that the 2nd circle wasn’t visible/was hidden by the first circle or that the second circle developed late.

In theory I can understand that it’s suitable for transfer, I just wondered if there were any real success stories

I am not sure how the lab works TBH, but I get a report with the grading of each embryo and notes. In the notes it was stated that it was a 1pn. Each embryo has an identifier in the embryo grading report and the same identifier is in the PGT-A report, so you can see which is which.