How do you do your eye make up like that?! 😭 it looks so so good!! And your eye shape is amazing

No! Keep it. I’m not sure of your sexuality but women like hairy chests.

Is that my job? To comfort insecure heterosexual men?

What do you mean? They had a ton in common: they both love Ryan.

You sound burnt out. Are you currently seeing a therapist? I highly recommend it. Incorporate self-care time into your schedule- even if it’s only 5 min!

Umm… I get raging nonstop diarrhea on my period. I wish I were kidding. Luckily the massive amount of ibuprofen I take for severely intolerable cramps helps stop it.

I’ve been taking acne meds since 2015 so my skin is constantly very dry (it’s my pay-off for having clear skin). With that, of course use only liquid products (but I do use setting powder), and before applying any make-up, depending on your dryness, I actually apply oil to my face, and then Vaseline. Then, I apply the primer, foundation, etc. directly on it. Also, I use a shower filter because hard water destroys EVERYONE’s skin, but mine especially would scab from dryness; I looked like the joker because I had cuts on the sides of my mouth going up my cheeks. If not showering, then I use a cup of filtered water from my Brita to wash my face at the sink. I apply oil and Vaseline to my face at night as well, before rinsing off and applying it again in the morning. Also, I was actually told to not use any Tarte products because they’re made from Amazonian clay and clay can be dehydrating.

For sure. I personally take spironolactone which cleared my acne but cutting dairy out of my diet kept my face clear for even longer periods of time. I was honestly shocked by what an improvement I saw.

Well whatever those colors are they are absolutely perfect for you! I bet that will help with figuring out your color palette as well ☺️

If you want to: yes! You are super talented! 😍

If you do not want to: that’s okay too ☺️ and you’re still super talented!

May I ask where these are from? They’re all super cute!

Sorry this doesn’t answer your question but I think you have THE most perfect nose! And picture 5 makeup is absolutely superb

Super cute!! I’m wondering if pulling the carpet slightly forward would make the room even better/bigger?

Also can I ask where your rug is from? It’s so pretty! 😍

I agree! I’m early 30s and have a friend who ALWAYS acts like we’re geriatric. Like girl talk about yourself, not all of us. My mom is in her 60s and goes to CrossFit everyday. I always say we’re only as old as we feel!

Mitchum. Amazing stuff. I’ve been wearing it since 2010.

Pic 5 was ideal top style. Later seasons her style became more generic.