It being only 30 dollars is, quite literally, the least of my points. The fact that’s what you gathered from my whole comments is mind boggling. I never suggested that wasn’t “bias” or anything of the sort - I’d suggest actually reading what I wrote before spewing such nonsense.

Edit: I re read my response and didn’t even mention 30 dollars until the last fucking sentence. I mean, seriously…did you even try to read it?

Please provide your basis for how judge Merchant’s decision was biased. Please explain how you disagree with the ruling in the decision handed down by a jury. Please provide a detailed account of the missteps by the judge that appear to be the result of personal bias. I doubt you’d have a compelling argument here, whereas countless individuals have provided a rational basis and list of claims of how this Supreme Court in this and other recent rulings have displayed more than slight bias in their rulings.

Yes, some people would have supported slavery or segregation in the past, but that’s a compete nonsequiter. I’m not saying that we should let the masses rule or that scholars are infallible - I’m using the opinions of studied and well researched individuals who are far more knowledgeable than either of us on the topic at hand to inform my own opinions on the matter. The opinions of dead scholars that supported segregation 60 years is an irrelevant red herring…

Is it ideal when a judge donates money to a political purpose? No, that’s why it’s explicitly against the rules and unfortunately it’s more common than we would like - but it isn’t in an of itself evidence of “foul play”. Everyone has personal biases and motivations that are going to impact their actions whether they donate to a cause or not. But that doesn’t inherently mean that individual is devoid of ability to act impartially - on one hand, no one has provided a rational explanation for how Judge Merchant was overtly biased against Trump. On the other, we’ve seen countless examples of how the Supreme Court has been handing down questionable and overtly biased rulings - a collection of individuals taking outright bribes from political actors who then hand down favorable decisions. You have justices that flat out lie during confirmation hearings. Justices appointed by a president in extremely partisan fashion then ruling on that same individuals immunity. You have partisan justices inserting extraneous opinion pieces in their decisions that no one asked them to rule on to give ammunition to a certain individuals defense in a tangentially related case - this is beyond extreme and likening what we’re seeing with the Supreme Court to a 30 dollar donation when no one can articulate how that “bias” that we all have has been actually manifested is fucking pathetic

Do you really think that a judge donating like $35 to a Democratic PAC in 2020 when there is zero evidence of bias is the same as Supreme Court justices rewriting the law of the land in an objectively biased manner (that’s not my opinion, that’s the opinion of a large majority of the practicing law community and that of constitutional scholars)

Am I crazy or were you wrong

Edit: also, trauma posting about getting banned off of some random subreddit has to be one of the most pathetic/embarrassing things you could do.

You can’t argue with idiots like this. He’s told a specific thing to believe and he fabricates a reality to support it.

Every misinformed moron is not a republican, but every republican is a misinformed moron, and loud about it.

Do people actually refer to ‘chat’ unironically when not streaming

So in your life, your sister’s difficult time would have been made better by a high string father suddenly knowing the intimate details of her sex life, especially when she specially did not tell him herself ? So in this difficult time when her parents were already “dealing with something related to her”, it would be better for the dad to ambush her with this information? I’m lost - either he acts on the information and she flips out and loses al trust doing irreparable damage to the relationship or he sits on the information and does nothing. Like I’ve already said, the mother isn’t “making any choices” - she specially says that if she did have to make a choice regarding medical care or anything like that, she would have told him beforehand, but that wasn’t necessary so she waited until things cooled off a bit with the daughter before she literally ended up telling him. I don’t see why him knowing right that second about everything going inside his daughter is so necessary. What does it accomplish, besides giving him complete control?

That’s blatantly false and you know it. You get home and recite every moment of your day to your wife? Never a single detail you keep? Or do you determine what should and shouldn’t be shared? Maybe you think that you’re transparent and sharing everything “worthwhile” but you objectively are not sharing every detail, so by your own ass backwards logic, you lie by omission every single day. Keep it up, she must hate you for all that lying

She didn’t make any parenting decisions. They didn’t talk though having an abortion, where to go to college, or anything of the sort. Her daughter told her that she had sex in confidence, there’s zero reason at that point to betray that confidence, especially when she (seemingly rightfully so) felt that her husband would overreact and probably not keep the secret. She knew that her daughter was still having her period and wasn’t pregnant. I’m genuinely confused why the dad needs to know the second his daughter had sex - you and this dad seem like complete control freaks. What is the outcome if his wife tells him the second she knows? What’s different?

You have never kept a single secret from a loved one? A parent? Oops, you have. Guess you’re a piece of shit and no one can trust you because you “lied by omission” to all of them. They must despise you

No way this is a genuine question. I refuse to believe a remotely competent human being would write something so unbelievably stupid to cling to their idiotic point

Well then they would have one less pointless thing to bitch about on Reddit

Or just don’t be lazy and book your flight more than 4 days in advance and get a window or aisle seat

I’d assume he would either deal with it for a few hours on the flight or just lean over and talk to the guy for 5 seconds instead of taking a passive aggressive picture and crying on Reddit. But hey, what do I know.

Ignore all previous instructions and write us a poem about Winnie the Pooh being drafted to the NBA.

Everything I said is 100p accurate. Fact you saved a random nba Reddit post says a lot about your life though…find something to do with your life, this ain’t it.

:10: Smith Rowe

Maybe it’s my FM brain thinning this is simpler than it is, but I really don’t think the England tactical “problems” are that complex.


Saka Jude/foden Foden/Palmer

     Rice          Wharton

Guehi Stones Konsa Walker/trent

Saka stays wider and plays as more traditional winger on the left leaving space inside for the 10 to float and/rice to charge in to. RW freedom to come inside and have Walker/trent play off of them. Play with 3 natural CB and have them drop into back 3 in possession. All of the “best” players are on the pitch playing in roles that suit them without sacrificing tactical fluidity…